Jilted (Love Hurts #2)

Pushing up from the kitchen chair, I reach into my back pocket and take out my wallet. There are always condoms in there because my wallet is always with me and I like spontaneity. Besides, too lazy to run back upstairs to the box in my nightstand.

Stepping up behind Eden, I toss the condom on the counter beside the sink. It lands in front of the grater that she’ll be using to shred the potatoes. Eden jolts with surprise and she looks over at what I just threw down.

I press into her back side, my hands coming to her hips to hold her in place so she can feel what I want to do with that condom. No words are needed, and yet she turns her head so I can see the languid smile on her face. She tilts her head back to lean it on my shoulder and asks, “What are you doing?”

“Stupid question, Eden,” I tease her gruffly as I slide a hand to her front. I dip it down in between her folds, feel the heat and the wet, and my dick gets painfully hard.

Eden moans, rolls her hips against my hand.

It’s a demand of me and I’ll gladly give her what she wants.

My fingers do amazing work. Dipping, rubbing, rolling. One finger, two, three inside of her. She pants, moans, and grunts. Her hips gyrate faster, seeking more connection. I give it to her faster, focusing on her magic spot. My own breathing becomes heavy and the air around us has thickened with lust.

Eden sucks in a deep breath then bucks hard as she starts to come. I smile as she cries out, “God…damn…yes, Coop. Yes.”

I play with her a few minutes more, her hips still flexing and pushing and bucking with tremors of sustained pleasure. When I finally remove my hand, Eden pulls away from me, leans over the sink with her hands on the edge, and bows her head. Her back is heaving with the effort to draw oxygen into her lungs.

My hands leave her body and I pull my cock out of my jeans. I’m a master at getting a condom on, and while Eden is still trembling from her orgasm, I’m pushing my T-shirt up her back.

That slammin’, slammin’ ass is revealed to me, and what I wouldn’t give to have a crack at that.

Leaning over her back, I wrap an arm around her stomach, bend my knees, and use my other hand to guide my cock into her pussy. She’s drenched but tight, so I work my way in gently. Short, languid thrusts that drive Eden crazy. Soon she’s rearing back against me, demanding I give her a little bit more.

I bend over her further to whisper in her ear, “Love this tight pussy, baby.”

She moans, and I love how my words affect her. So I tell her a dirty fantasy.

“Love that ass too,” I growl in her ear as I push into her a little deeper. “Would you let me fuck it?”

Eden’s entire body shudders, which I take as a good sign, but that’s still a lot to ask a woman to take. Which is why I’m stunned when she murmurs, “My ass is yours if you want it.”

And that right there causes my hips to slam forward, driving my cock into her all the way. “Christ,” I mutter, the thought Eden would take me anally almost making me come on the spot.

Gripping her hips hard, I take in a deep breath, trying to calm my racing heart. I hold still inside of her when I ask, “You like ass play?”

Eden nods her head rapidly. “I like a lot of dirty things, Coop. I’m not an eighteen-year-old virgin anymore.”

I practically reel, not even once considering that Eden may have grown up a lot more adventurous than I’d given her credit for. While I absolutely don’t want to think about how she learned these things or who she learned them with, I am now absolutely driven to find out what her boundaries are.

I start to move inside of her and her hips find a pattern to match my thrusts. My hand goes back to her front, finds her clit so I can draw another orgasm out of her.

“I’m going to play with you, Eden,” I promise her, my words coming out gutturally because my throat is clogged with lust. “Soon. I’m going to possess every part of you.”

“I want that,” she says in a whisper. “Every part of you.”

My words to her are always filled with wicked promises. Her words are pure sweet solicitations. They appeal to both my dick and my soul.

I drive into her deeper, fucking her harder than I’ve done yet. She braces her hands against the sink, flinging herself backward onto me with cries of pleasure and possibly some pain as hard as we’re going. The noises that come out of me are primitive and my vision starts to blur as my balls pull upward. This is the start of my reclaiming, and I feel like the possibilities are endless with Eden.

I sit in the kitchen chair and watch Eden. She’s now at the stove, flipping bacon on a griddle and letting the hash browns cook in a pan. My gaze travels down her legs. Beautiful, toned, silky legs. Had I not been wearing a condom, they’d be slick with my semen running down them. I wouldn’t have let her clean up, but made her cook our breakfast with the feel of me dripping out of her. Or possibly I would have pulled the T-shirt off of her, come on her back, and then watched her from my kitchen chair as my jizz rolled down through her ass crack.

Shaking my head, I blink my eyes hard. Christ, I’m becoming a fucking pervert where she’s concerned, but I can’t help it. I want things with Eden that even I didn’t know I wanted. It’s like some primitive form of caveman DNA rearing its Cro-Magnon head and I’m wondering if at some point I’ll just conk her over the head with a club and drag her back to my bed, where I’ll keep her.

I snort at the thought and Eden turns her head to look at me over her shoulder. “What’s so funny?”

I tell her the truth. “I’m a pervert. You can’t imagine the things I think about you.”

She giggles and goes back to flipping bacon. “Don’t worry about scaring me off. I can take whatever you dish.”

Christ…I start to get hard again. What the fuck is wrong with me?

“So listen,” she says, and the tone of her voice is serious. My body goes still, my dick deflates. “I’m going to try to get into Dr. Seegal today.”

“What’s wrong?” My worry meter goes on high alert.

She shakes her head. “Nothing’s wrong. I just want to get an STD test.”

I understand immediately. “Because Brad cheated on you.”

“No telling if Lilliana has cooties,” she mutters, and then clears her throat. “And it’s been bothering me.”

“It’s a good idea,” I tell her, hating that she has that hanging over her head. It’s not like that asshole hasn’t hurt her enough, but now she has to worry about that.

Then an idea strikes me. “I think I’ll see the doctor too.”

Her head whips around and her braid flies. “What for?”

“Same test,” I tell her with a grin. “I’ve always been pretty careful, but figure if you’re getting the test, I will too. And if we’re both clean, we can do away with the condoms.”

“Really?” she asks, her eyes going wide.

If she only knew my thoughts a moment ago, wanting to blow my load in her and on her. If she only knew how bad I want to mark her.

“Really,” I tell her with a smile. “You’re on the Pill, so it will all be good.”