Jilted (Love Hurts #2)

Our kiss is sexually blatant if anyone was looking, and there are dozens and dozens of people lying on the sand. Several are in the water with us, but none are within earshot. Still, we’re putting on a show for sure, and I couldn’t care less.

In an effort to pull Eden closer, my hands drop to her ass, bringing my cock right to the V in her legs. She groans when I grind her down on me and her fingers slide into my hair, where she grips it hard.

I pull my mouth back slightly just to tell her, “I would kill to fuck you right now.”

“Condom,” she mutters, and I grunt an acknowledgment of the problem before I start kissing her again.

Tonight I am going to make her scream so loud the neighbors a mile down the road will hear. It will be an exercise in patience, but worth the wait.

Doesn’t mean, however, that I can’t do something else, and since the water is just below her neckline, we have a bit of privacy for what could happen down below.

Moving one hand further under her butt to balance her against me, I move the other to slip down the front of her bikini. The move is so sudden that Eden bucks and tears her mouth from mine. My index finger is in deep before she can even focus on my face.

“God…Coop,” she gasps as I pull it out and push it back in again. “What are you doing?”

“I’m going to make you come,” I murmur as I angle my head to the side and kiss her neck. Her arms tighten around me and she presses her cheek into the side of my head, moaning when I start to circle her clit.

Her face is toward the beach, mine focused on a pair of surfers about thirty yards away. Eden’s trying hard not to roll her hips against me so no one can see what I’m doing to her under the green Atlantic waters. Instead, she lets out tiny pants and whines every time I circle her sensitive flesh.

To the outside world, it might look like we’re locked into a strong, intimate hug.

Just below the water, I’m finger fucking the most beautiful, sexy, and compelling woman I’ve ever known.

“I’m so close,” she whispers as I move my hand a little faster.

She pulls her head back and uses the buoyancy of the water and her arms leveraged on my shoulders to push herself up slightly so she’s looking down at me. I shove my finger farther into her, as the angle is better, and she can’t help it. Her head falls back and her mouth opens in a silent cry of pleasure that she dare not release onto the wind.

Eden pulls her head up, looks down at me again as she still holds herself up on my shoulders. Her eyes lock with mine, green irises glazed with passion meeting my blue ones that I bet are dilated because I’m so fucking turned on right now.

“I want you to come for me, Eden,” I murmur to her. “But you got to do it quietly. You’re a screamer, but you can’t do it out here because everyone will know.”

“You’re evil,” she gasps as I go back hard at her clit. She digs her nails into my scalp and, fuck, that stings.

“Tonight,” I promise her darkly. “Tonight you’re going to lose your voice by the time I’m done with you.”

“Bring it,” she rasps.

I pinch her clit lightly and Eden goes stiff in my arms, her eyes squeezing shut, and she comes beautifully. Her entire body trembles from the force of her staying quiet and I slide my finger back into her to feel the muscles contracting all around it.

Just gorgeous.

Her head falls forward and she presses against me, completely limp. I remove my hand from her bikini bottom and wrap my arms around her tightly, locking her into a true and intimate hug. My dick is painfully hard and my nuts feel like they’re going to burst, and yet I’m completely satisfied right now.

Chapter 15

I don’t believe in fate…


I can’t help it. My eyes slide past Missy’s shoulder and lock with Coop’s across the room. He’s sitting at the bar staring at me hard, while Clay sits beside him, talking but clearly not being heard.

“Oh good God.” Missy sighs dramatically. “It’s like you’re in high school again, crushing on Coop.”

My eyes snap back to her. “I’m not crushing on Coop.”

She purses her lips and gives me that you’re full of shit look.

God, I’m so crushing on Coop, but I’ll never admit that. I have to remember, this is just rebound sex. It has a start date and an end date, although the latter has yet to be determined.

“I can’t believe he showed up here,” Missy says in a dreamy voice.

I snicker and pick up my wine, taking a sip and committing myself to focusing on Missy for the rest of the evening. This is our girls’ night out.

Apparently Coop didn’t like it when I told him I was having dinner with Missy at seven. We didn’t get back from the beach until almost six, and I was rushing to get showered and to Tilley’s to meet her in time. No matter how much Coop tried to talk himself into the shower with me, I wouldn’t give in, although I did promise him I’d make it up to him tonight.

Just as our entrées arrived—rib eye for me, salmon for Missy—Coop sauntered in the door with Clay on his heels. I watched wide-eyed as he scanned the interior, located me, and headed my way with purpose.

People watched because everybody had heard the gossip by now that Missy told me this morning.

Coop had broken up with Ashley.

He was cozy with me at the Pit Stop.

He defended me to the town and cleared my name.

Tomorrow the gossip mill would be all aflutter because Coop stalked right up to me, slid a hand behind my head, and kissed me hard.

Right there.

In front of everyone.

He pulled back, smiled at Missy, and said, “You ladies enjoy your dinner.”

Coop then joined Clay at the bar, where they ate burgers, drank beer, and he and I stared at each other.

“What’s really going on with you two?” Missy asks. It’s a personal and intimate question, one I’m not even sure I know the answer to, and yet I’m not offended. It’s been so long since I’ve had a girlfriend to talk to I’m almost bursting at the seams to have someone to share all this with.

Putting my wineglass to the side, I push my plate away, as I’m finished, and lean my arms on the table. “It’s just rebound sex.”

One of Missy’s eyebrows goes down, the other arches up high. It’s like her bullshit detector.

“Well, that’s what we both agreed on,” I say adamantly. “That it was rebound sex.”

“Um…yeah,” Missy says dryly. “No man stalks into a place where half the town is eating dinner and publicly claims a woman just for rebound sex. Particularly when to my knowledge that man has never been seen to give a public display of affection to any woman he was banging before.”

My eyes cut to Coop. He’s staring at me and winks. I grin and look back at Missy.

She leans closer to me and lowers her voice. “Let me ask you something. Were you in love with Brad Wright?”

It’s an honest and fair question, and I answer it as honestly as I can. “I don’t think so. I think I was in love with the idea of a relationship.”

“Are you broken up about it?” she presses.