Jilted (Love Hurts #2)

“I loved Radiant,” she blurts out suddenly. “It’s in my top-five movies of all time. I cried so hard at the end.”

I smile even brighter at her. Radiant is my favorite movie I’ve done too, and while I didn’t win any awards for it, it was my best work in my opinion.

“Well, I don’t meet many people who want to talk about Radiant,” I tell her as I scoot over in the booth and pat the seat beside me. “So if you have a minute, sit down and let’s chat about it.”

“Are you freaking kidding me?” she asks with wide eyes. “I’m due a break and can stay a few minutes.”

“Wouldn’t kid you about this,” I promise her.

Without another thought, she plops down beside me and chatters away, and it’s the final thing I needed to erase the feeling of failure I presented to this town, to know that there’s at least one true fan here who appreciates what I’ve done.

Dinner’s over and I had a wonderful time. Missy is going to be a friend for life, I can tell. Although I didn’t expect it, I was pleased when Coop got up from the bar and left as I was walking out with Missy. I waved goodbye to Clay and he gave me a smile and a head tilt in acknowledgment.

Coop grabbed my hand as soon as we hit the sidewalk and pulled me closer to him. He merely bent down and whispered into my ear, “I hope you’re ready for what I’ve got planned for you.”

Missy stood off to the side to give us privacy, but if she was watching my face, I probably just had a mini orgasm. I went to my tiptoes and whispered back in his ear, “After what you did for me in the ocean today, I’ve actually got something to give you when we get home.”

Coop’s eyes lit with a fire I hadn’t yet seen, burning with erotic curiosity. He murmured, “See you at home then.”

It was a quick drive home for both of us.

And now he gets out of his truck with casual grace. He’d followed me home and I thought that was sweet, especially since he’d managed to snag a spot right out in front of Tilley’s and easily could have taken off and beat me here.

I step out of the rental car and shut the door. Coop walks to me, and without hesitation, draws me in for a sizzling hot kiss.

“Tell me what you’ve got planned for me,” he growls.

My hand goes down and I wrap my fingers around an erection I knew would already be evident. I squeeze him and then start working at his belt buckle, keeping my head tilted back so I can maintain eye contact with him. “Going to give you an amazing blow job.”

Coop swallows hard and his voice is husky. “Not going to say no to that.”

Of all of the dirty things we’ve done since we’ve reunited, I’ve not sucked him off to orgasm. I’ve absolutely had my mouth on his dick, but he’s always pulled me off before he comes, preferring instead to sheath up with a condom and fuck me. But one thing that’s changed about me since I was eighteen is that I learned a thing or two about blow jobs. I wasn’t a fumbling teenager the way I was back then, all timid and not sure if I was doing it right. Don’t get me wrong, Coop never complained, and back then…he also always pulled out, maybe just being polite and not wanting to make me swallow.

But let me tell you, I’ve matured in my experiences over the years.

With efficient moves, I have his cock in my hand, stroking him to an even greater hardness. Coop groans in approval, especially when my thumb rubs over the tip. I start to drop to my knees but I’m halted with Coop’s hands under my armpits.

“What are you doing?” he asks as he pulls me back up.

“Going to give you a blow job, and I do my best work on my knees.”

Coop groans again I’m sure over the thought of me on my knees, but surprises me further by scooping me up in his arms and practically running me up the front porch. “You’re not getting on your knees on the driveway pavement.”

“You’re totally ruining the spontaneity aspect of this,” I grumble to him, and his laughter is rich and from deep within his belly. It makes me laugh in return.

Coop manages to unlock the door, sweep me inside, and lock it without a bobble. His strong body carries me up the stairs, then he gently sets me on my feet when we reach the master suite. He leaves me behind, walks to the mattress, and hops onto it, going immediately to his back with his hands behind his head.

Nodding down at his erection—which is still long, thick, and lying flat against his belly—he challenges me. “Let’s see what you got, sweet Eden.”

I smile at him, sauntering to the bed. His eyes drop to the sway of my hips and then back up to me. I start to unbutton my blouse, intending to get naked first, but I make sure he understands the rules.

“Coop, promise me one thing,” I whisper as my blouse lands on the floor and my hands go to my bra.

“Anything,” he mutters as he watches my bra come off with an easy flick of the front clasp. He even licks his lips.

“Don’t pull me off your cock,” I tell him…tease him…warn him.

His eyes rocket to mine and they are glittering in an almost feral way.

“Done,” he says in a low rumble, and it causes a corresponding tremble up my spine.

Chapter 16

I think I may be turning into a sex maniac…


I lean back in the kitchen chair, one arm resting on the table and my legs stretched out long. I sit there and I watch Eden.

Do nothing but just watch and enjoy.

She’s at the kitchen sink, the early morning sun streaming through the windows and bathing her in a halo of light. I have to head off to work in about an hour, but she insisted on cooking a huge breakfast for me, so she’s scrubbing potatoes to make hash browns.

And not just any hash browns.

The shredded kind, which are my favorite.

She remembered they’re my favorite.

I observe how painfully gorgeous she is right now. Her hair’s in a loose braid down her back and she’s wearing one of my T-shirts that comes down to midthigh. I watched her pull it on this morning after we rolled out of bed prompted by my alarm, and I know she has nothing at all under it.

Nothing but silky skin and a sleek, warm, tight pussy.

I watch, sitting here fully clothed and ready to step out the door after I eat, but I can’t stop looking at her bare legs. She actually stands on one leg, the other hiked slightly with one foot resting on top of the other, balancing against the sink with her hip.

I watch but I’m not really listening. She’s talking about a script she’s going to have to start memorizing soon, and while I’m interested in her life and her career, right now I’m more interested in what’s under that T-shirt.

I can’t help it. Eden’s turned me into a sex maniac, and I guess that’s the glorious thing about rebound sex. It is a wonderful thing to have your focus on.