Ink Enduring (Montgomery Ink #5)

“I protect people,” he said finally. “And I need to go. But Maya, talk to him. Ask him what’s going on. You know my past with him. Ask him. And be open.” He didn’t know why he said that. But he did.

And with that, he picked up his keys off the counter and made his way to the couple. When he leaned forward and pressed his lips to Jake’s temple, the three of them froze.

He hadn’t meant to do it, but it had seemed as natural as breathing.

And then he surprised himself yet again when he did the same to Maya. “I’ll be back. Nice to meet you.”

He left them standing in the living room, staring at his back as he closed the door behind him. What the hell had he been thinking? What was he doing?

He wanted Jake. He’d always wanted him but had been too afraid to do anything about it. But he also wanted Maya to be with Jake because the damn woman made Jake happy. He had no idea what he would do next, or even if the choice was in his hands since he’d left the two of them alone.

Either way, something was going to change, something big, and he would have to put it aside so he could work on other things. Because someone needed him in order to stay alive, and there was no way he would lose another person because of his choices.

His heart ached at the thought of what he’d seen the last time he’d failed, and he pushed it away. He wouldn’t fail. He wouldn’t lose this one.

And he wouldn’t lose Jake. Not again.

And as for Maya? Well, he’d figure that out, as well.

The hair on the back of his neck stood on end as he got in his truck. He held back a curse.

It felt like he was being watched, like someone had eyes on him. But he couldn’t afford to let on that he might be feeling that. Because if he did, Jake or Maya could get hurt. And that was the last thing he wanted.

He might not know what he wanted when it came to the man in that home and the woman at his side, but Border knew he had to push it away to deal with the concrete objectives that lay before him.

And the first thing he had to do was make sure that Jake—and Maya—were safe.

He started his truck and pulled out of the driveway, praying whoever might be watching him would follow. Border might not be able to stay at Jake’s anymore if this kept up.

Or Border was losing his damn mind and being overly paranoid. Either way, he had a job to do, and someone to take care of.

And when he got back to the house?

Well, he’d figure out the next step then. Because there was no way things would go back to normal now. They couldn’t.

And Border couldn’t help but feel the first sprigs of hope deep inside, even as they wound themselves around the dread and worry that plagued him. Things were changing, and he would have to latch on and ride it out.


Chapter Seven

Jake was going to lose his damn mind. That is, if he hadn’t already lost it. He had no idea what had just gone on in the kitchen with Border, and even less of a clue what had happened in the living room. But either way, he now stood next to Maya with his hands awkwardly in his pockets as he tried to think of what to say.

Apparently, he wasn’t as witty as he thought he was because he couldn’t come up with a damn thing to break the tension.

Maya stared at him, confusion in her gaze, before leaving him standing alone. She went into the kitchen and flipped off the chili on the stove.

“I’m going to guess this is Border’s since you don’t know how to make chili.”

Jake let out a relieved breath. He could talk about chili. That was a good place to start. “I can cook.”

Maya raised a brow at him, that damn sexy piercing glinting in the light. “I didn’t say you couldn’t. I’m saying you don’t know how to make chili.” She leaned over the stove and inhaled. “Smells good.”

She covered the pot and set it off the burner before leaning back against the counter and folding her arms over her chest.

“So, you going to tell me what just happened? Because I’m confused as hell.”

Jake leaned against the breakfast counter so he was directly across from her but not exactly touching.

“I have no idea what just happened.”

“You’re lying,” Maya said smoothly. “And you know I don’t like liars. So why don’t you tell me what was going on in the kitchen before I showed up. Tell me why your hand is red and Border’s jaw looked like someone had recently hit it. Tell me why you hugged me like you did when I showed up. Why Border kissed each of us. And what you both meant about having us both, or whatever you said when I walked in. How does that sound to you?”

She tilted her head at him, looking sexy as hell. He’d done his best for far too long to forget how sexy she was in general. Every once in a while, he’d remember the way she’d danced that night, the way she’d looked on her knees in front of him. He’d even remember laughing because of her love of good oral and how serious she had been when she’d said it. He remembered all of it, though he’d done all he could to forget.

They were friends, the best of friends, and that worked because they didn’t cross those boundaries. But now, now he couldn’t see where one line crossed another, he could only see her.

And Border.