Ignite (Speed Series Book 1)

“Damn right you will.”

Turning to Adaline, I lifted my eyebrows and said, “Ready Mrs. Lewis?”

I loved how her face lit up with the mention of her new name. “Never been more ready Mr. Lewis.”

With one more kiss to my mother and sister, I spoke in Ashley’s ear, “I’ll text you where we are after we get settled in.”

“Sounds good. Have fun and relax, Emmit. Stephanie won’t be able to do anything now.”

With a quick nod of my head, I glanced around. I’d had the feeling of being watched all night. The sooner we got the hell out of here the better.

As I lifted my hand to say goodbye, I called out to everyone in the bar! “Thanks y’all, but it’s time to start the honeymoon!”

Yells of excitement filled the air as Adaline slapped me playfully on the stomach and we headed toward Todd.

“Everything’s been packed up in your room and is on the plane, Emmit. The limo is waiting to take you to the airport.”

We walked outside and to the limo where Todd opened the door and Adaline slid in. Turning to Todd, I placed my hand on his shoulder and gave it a squeeze. “I’ll call you in a few days.”

Giving me a smile he shook his head. “Just enjoy your honeymoon. I’ve got everything here under control.”

Letting out a relieved breath, I knew Todd was right as I gave him a slap on the back. “You’re in control, buddy!”

I quickly slipped into the limo and gave Adaline a sexy grin. I couldn’t wait to be with her, officially making her mine forever.

The limo started off and I hit the button to raise the privacy glass. Adaline licked her lips and quickly crawled on top of me.

“You have no idea how much I want you,” she spoke against my lips.

My hands grabbed onto her hips as I pulled her body down onto my hard dick. “Oh believe me, I have a very good idea.”

Adaline giggled and looked at me through those beautiful long eyelashes of hers as she began to grind on me. My head dropped back on the seat. “Fuck.”

“Your wish is my command,” Adaline said as she moved her hand down to unbutton my pants. I took a hold of her hand and shook my head. I quickly moved her onto the seat and dropped down in front of her. “No. I want to be in a bed with you. I want to enjoy every single second of when I push into your body with you as my wife.”

Adaline bit down on her thumb as she smiled and said, “I like that plan.”

My hands moved up her legs as Adaline shook with anticipation. “But first, I want to taste my wife.”

“Yes,” Adaline hissed as I quickly pulled her ass to the edge of the seat, moved her baby-blue thong out of the way and buried my face between her legs.

“Emmit!” Adaline called out as I took what was mine. It didn’t take Adaline long to come as she pushed her hands into my hair and moved her hips into my face.

I couldn’t help but smile as I lifted my head and watched as my wife tried to catch her breath. “Did that feel good, baby?”

Adaline barely lifted her hand as she said, “So. Good.”

Smiling, I sat down next to her and pulled her onto my lap. “Perfect way to start our honeymoon, don’t you think?” I asked as I pushed her hair away from her face. Adaline smiled and nodded. “Oh yes, I’d have to agree.”

A beep sounded as Emmit hit the button and asked, “Yes?”

“Mr. Lewis, we’re at the airport, sir.”

Adaline let out a squeal as she moved off of me and slid to the seat, waiting for me to get out first. As I stepped out of the limo, I took one look at the private jet and shook my head. “Damn, Todd. He’s getting a raise the second we get back.”

Adaline chuckled next to me and said, “Holy crap. Whose plane is that, anyway? It’s huge!”

I took her hand in mine as I nodded and thanked the limo driver then walked toward the stairs that led up to the plane. “I have no clue.”

As we stepped into the plane two flight attendants and the captain greeted us. “Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis.”

Adaline squeezed my hand some, and I knew it was because of how they greeted us.

“Good evening,” we both said at once.

The one flight attendant had her red hair pulled up into a tight bun and handed both of us a glass of champaign as she smiled and said, “Congratulations on your marriage. Everything has been taken care of like you requested, Mr. Lewis.”

Adaline’s head snapped over to look at me. “When did you do all of this?” she asked.

With a wink, I kissed her cheek and said, “Earlier, before the wedding.”

The pilot extended his hand and said, “We’ve been given a departure time. If you would both take your seat, we’ll have you off the ground and on your way to the Bahamas shortly.”

Adaline bounded on her toes and said, “The Bahamas? Oh, Emmit, I’ve always wanted to go there!”

Kelly Elliott's books