Ignite (Speed Series Book 1)

Me: See you soon.

My stomach felt like I was on one hell of a ride with the way it was dipping. The idea of making Adaline my wife was almost bringing me to tears. Chris wrapped his arm around my neck and pulled me to him as he hit my chest.

“You all right, little brother?” he asked as we both laughed.

“Yeah, I feel like a pansy though. The idea of marrying Adaline, damn it makes my heart feel like I’m fucking soaring on that zip line again.”

“That’s a good feeling, Emmit. Don’t hide it, dude. You two have been waiting for this day for as long as I can remember. You both deserve to be happy.”

Nodding my head slightly, I looked out at the water as my mind thought back to that little girl who stole my heart in elementary school.

Smiling, I kept my eyes on the beautiful blue ocean. “That’s my goal; make Addie the happiest woman in the world.”

Chris chuckled next to me. “Come on. Let’s go get you married off like the rest of us lucky bastards.”

I STOOD BEFORE THE MIRROR and smiled as I looked at myself.

“You look so beautiful, Adaline,” MaryAnne said next to me.

Glancing up, our eyes met. “Were you scared when you married, Chris?”

“Oh yeah. My hands were shaking so bad, I was scared Chris wouldn’t be able to put my wedding band on.”

I laughed as I looked back in the mirror. Ashley had pulled my brown hair up and had a few strands hanging down to frame my face. A single braid ran from one side to the other, and I had no clue how she did it, but it looked beautiful.

The simple white dress was nothing like my designer wedding gown, but when I tried it on, it felt perfect. It was almost a blessing in disguise that some nut case cut mine up. The sweetheart neckline accented my breasts perfectly. Emmit would love it, my father not so much. It was made of lace and chiffon and was lightweight. I loved how it fell just at the mid of my thigh, giving it just the right touch of sexy. The back of the dress fell to the floor and had a chapel train that would run beautifully across the sand.

I smiled bigger as I pictured Emmit unzipping the dress off. My hands went to my cheeks to hide the fact that I had instantly blushed while thinking about Emmit making love to me tonight.

“Oh God. Please tell me you aren’t thinking what I think you’re thinking. Because that just makes me feel sick, Adaline. Yuk.”

I let a giggle slip from my mouth as I turned and looked at my mother staring at me. “Mom,” I whispered as she made her way over to me.

Her eyes looked me over from top to bottom. “You are gorgeous. Emmit is going to fall in love with you even more the moment he sees you.”

I fought to hold back the tears that were trying like hell to fall. “I love him so much, Mom.”

“I know you do, and he loves you so much too.” Giving me a wink, she leaned in closer. “He’s for sure going to be racing to get you out of this!”

My mouth fell open as I quickly looked over to Emmit’s mom, Candace. “Mom!” I said with a giggle.

Brushing me off with her hand, she said, “Well, it’s true!”

After we both finished our little giggling fit, my mother turned serious. “I remember the day you were born, Adaline. Your father leaned over and kissed you on the tip of your little nose and told you no man would ever love you like he did. I see the way Emmit looks at you. The way he has always looked at you. He loves you with his whole heart.”

A single tear slowly rolled down my cheek. “I love him too. So very much.”

My mother nodded her head and quickly wiped a tear away. “The day I married your father, my grandmother spoke with me alone. She sat me down and gave me three pieces of advice that I’m going to share with you.”

“Okay,” I said as my mother and I held hands.

“Never go to sleep angry with each other. Everyone says this one I know, but it’s the most important one.”

“I promise we won’t,” I said with a grin.

“Now, this next one shocked the hell out of me coming from my grandmother, but it has been the best advice I’ve ever gotten.”

My curiosity was piqued as I waited for my mother to continue talking.

“Always play in the bedroom, and don’t be afraid to be vocal with what you want him to do to you sexually.”

My mouth fell open as my eyes widened in horror. She did not just say that to me.

“Um . . . Mom I didn’t need that visual of you and Daddy in my head. Gross!”

Rolling her eyes, my mother sighed. “Adaline, I’m not talking about me and your father right now, although I will say we have a very healthy sex life because of my grandmother’s words of advice.”

My body shuddered as I made a gagging motion.

“Stop it!” my mother said with a laugh.

Kelly Elliott's books