Ignite (Speed Series Book 1)

Ashley bumped me with her arm as she asked, “Does it feel different? Being married?”

As I glanced back out to the dance floor, I let the moments of today run through my mind. “I feel complete. That’s the only way I know how to explain it.”

Ashley sighed next to me as she wrapped her arm around mine. “I hope I meet a guy like you someday, Emmit.”

I shook my head and laughed. “No one will ever be good enough for you. I pity the fool who breaks your heart.”

Laughter shook Ashley’s body. “I’m afraid that’s already happened.”

Pulling back, I looked at my sister. “What? Who? When did this happen? I’ll kill the little fucker.”

Ashley hit my chest lightly and shook her head. “Stop it. It was awhile back and doesn’t matter anymore. After these last few weeks of being able to spend time with you and Adaline, I see what real love is. The way you look at Adaline when she walks into a room; it’s as if she lit the entire room up. You can almost feel your love for her.”

Ashley looked into my eyes and smiled weakly. “I want that, Emmit.”

I placed my hand on the back of her neck and pulled her closer to me. With a gently kiss on her forehead, I said, “Wait for it, Ashley. I promise you it will come when you least expect it to.”

“How will I know?”

Smiling, I lifted her chin and looked into her eyes. “Trust me, you’ll know.”

Ashley settled more into my side as she lifted her feet onto the chair. “Mom said y’all are leaving tomorrow.”

“Yeah, with everything that happened and the idea of Stephanie lurking around, I think it’s best if we go somewhere else.”

“Let me know when you get there okay? You don't have to tell me where you are, just that you arrived safely.”

“I promise I will, Ashley.”

The music changed and Adaline turned to face me. Using her fingers, she motioned for me to join her.

“Sorry, baby sister, but my beautiful bride wants to flirt with me.”

Ashley laughed and pushed me away toward Adaline as she stood up with me.

The music was sexy and the way Adaline moved her body was even sexier. I walked up to her and pulled her to me as she exhaled a breath of air. My lips quickly found the sensitive area under her ear as she grabbed onto my shirt and fisted her hands.

“I want to peel this fucking dress off of you right here, Addie.”

Her body shuddered as she grabbed tighter onto my shirt. The way her chest moved up and down with each labored breath had my dick growing harder by the moment.

My lips caressed her skin as I moved along her neck. “Emmit,” she panted as I pressed my dick into her stomach.

I’d never wanted her as much as I did right now. If I didn’t push myself into her soon, I was going to explode. Pulling my head back some, I searched for Todd. He was standing off to the corner and when my eyes found his, he nodded and mouthed, “It’s ready.”

With a quick smile, I nodded back that I understood. My hand moved lightly down Adaline’s body until I took her hand in mine. “We’re leaving.”

“Are we going to our cottage?”

I could hear the concern in Adaline’s voice. Chris and the hotel security had done an entire sweep of the room but I still didn’t trust that someone would be watching us.

With a quick wink, I shook my head and led Adaline off the dance floor. “No, to the private plane I rented to take us on our honeymoon.”

Adaline stopped walking, pulling me to a stop. “What?” With a small chuckle, Adaline looked around and then back at me. “Emmit, this is where we’re spending our honeymoon.”

As I took a step closer to her, my eyes fell to those soft lips that were begging to be kissed. “There’s been a change of plans, baby. We’re leaving now to go somewhere new.”

Fire danced in Adaline’s eyes. “Really?” I lifted my hand and pushed a piece of her brown hair behind her ear and smiled. “Yeah baby. No one knows where we are going but me and the pilot.”

Adaline’s eyes glanced over to Todd and then back to me. “Not even Todd knows where we’re going?”

“Nope.” I reached for her hand again and walked over to our families. They were sitting around a giant table drinking and having one hell of a good celebration.

“All right well, we are out of here and headed to our honeymoon.”

Ashley stood up and said, “What? Wait! I don't have anything ready for us to you know . . . throw at you and all of that.”

Laughing, I held up my hand and said, “I think we can pass on that tradition, Ashley. We wanted to thank y’all for sharing this day with us.”

Adaline leaned closer into my body as she spoke. “Yes, thank you so much for being here and helping us start the next chapter of our lives.”

My mother stood first and kissed me on the cheek and then Adaline. Followed by everyone else. Adaline’s parents were the last to say goodbye.

Waldo reached his hand out and shook my hand hard and fast. “You take good care of my little girl.”

I gave him a good hard slap on the arm and nodded. “I promise I will, sir.”

Kelly Elliott's books