Ignite (Speed Series Book 1)

The smile that spread across Adaline’s face caused my breath to catch. “I love you too. So very much.”

Moving down her body, I massaged her feet as Adaline grabbed the sheets and let out a soft moan. The feel of my hands was turning her on and that did things to me. Knowing that she only needed my touch to turn her on was an amazing feeling. My hands moved up her legs as I gave her the utmost attention as I massaged her body.

Her head slowly fell from side to side as my name fell across her lips.

“Please,” she begged as she lifted her hips from the bed.

Grinning, I moved my hands up her body and cupped her breasts. “I’m going to give your body attention from top to bottom, Addie. Then I’m going to make love to you until we land.”

Hands grabbed at the sheets, raising her body off the bed in a silent plea. “Yes, Emmit. Oh God, I need to feel you. Please don’t tease me.”

I ran my fingertip lightly around her nipple as I kissed the other one and let out a deep throaty moan. Adaline’s hands pushed through my hair as she grabbed a fistful and tried to push me down to where her need was.

Chuckling, I lifted my head and looked into her beautiful blue eyes. “You said slow, baby. I’m going slow.”

“Ugh! Emmit!”

With a smile, I moved further up her body and ran my tongue along her jawline as she wrapped her legs around me tightly.

“Addie?” I asked as I bit down gently on her chin.

Her desire was so evident as she tried to pull me down onto her with all her might.

“Too. Much. Talking.” Opening her eyes, I saw nothing but a fire burning. “Make love to me, Emmit. Please.”

I was shocked I was able to hold out as long as I did before I gave in to her pleas. Teasing her wet entrance with the tip of my cock, I slowly pushed in just enough to cause her body to shudder, only to pull it back out and have Adaline groan in disbelief.


Her eyes snapped open as our gaze locked. “Yes? What? I can’t think!”

I placed my hands on the sides of her face and looked deep into her eyes. “I promise to love you forever.”

Tears immediately began to build in Adaline’s eyes as she chewed on her lip. Using my thumb, I pulled her lip from her teeth as I softly kissed her lips.

Adaline’s arms wrapped around my neck as I pushed into her ever so slowly. I gently kissed the tears falling from her eyes as she let out one soft sob after another. “And I promise to love you forever too.”

The rest of the night was spent making slow, passionate love to my wife.

The woman of my dreams.

The reason I took each and every breath.

My life.

My future.

THE SUN FELT AMAZING ON my face as I lay in the lounge chair and let out a contented sigh. Emmit and I had been in the Bahamas for five days and it was utter bliss. The little villa we were staying at was perfect. It had a full kitchen, so we stocked up on food and stayed in every night but one.

Smiling, I touched my lips as I thought back to last night. It had been the most romantic night yet. Emmit and I lay in the hammock and stared up at the star-filled sky. One soft kiss from Emmit and it turned into a make-out session. We did nothing but kiss and touch each other as we both came at the same time from one another’s touch. My swollen lips were a reminder of how passionate things turned.

“Mrs. Lewis?”

I opened my eyes to see one of the girls from the resort office standing there smiling at me. “Hi, Landy, how are you?”

Giving me a slight nod, she smiled and said, “I’m so very sorry for bothering you. It’s just this package came marked for you and the courier said it was important, so I thought I should bring it to you right away.”

I swung my legs around and stood up as I reached for the small package. “Thank you so much, Landy.”

With a smile, she turned and headed back to the resort office. I quickly sat down and opened the package. Emmit must have sent something for me. He knew how much I loved surprises.

A padded envelope was enclosed in the larger envelope. Opening it, I pulled out a phone that had a note attached to it. Who in the hell is this from? I read the note and swallowed hard.

Watch the video.

This is who you married.

Swallowing hard, I stared down at the phone. My hand shook as I swiped it open. The only thing on the phone was the photo app. Opening it, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as I hit play and opened my eyes again.

Kelly Elliott's books