Ignite (Speed Series Book 1)

Thoughts raced through my mind. Emmit had to be right. Stephanie must have sent someone to do all of this to make herself look innocent.

“Has anyone talked to her?” I asked as I watched Emmit quickly head to the bedroom.

“Chris has. He said she seemed nervous, like she was for sure hiding something. When he asked her about the phone and the video, she stood up and told him to leave her house. Chris said Stephanie’s husband practically punched the living hell out of him.”

Emmit grabbed both of our suitcases and motioned for me to take mine. “Are we leaving?”

“Yeah, I’ll feel better when we are home and you’re safe.”

My body shivered as I rubbed my hands down my arms. “You don’t think we’re safe? Do you think someone will try something?”

Emmit sighed and turned to me. “Addie, someone shredded your wedding dress with a knife. They tracked us down here in the Bahamas’ and they sent you a fucking video of me trying to cause problems. Yes. I wouldn’t put it past them to try something else.”

“But if it’s Stephanie, maybe she’ll stop knowing we are so close to her trail and—”

“Damn it, Addie!” My body jumped when Emmit slammed the dresser drawer shut. “Will you just pack, please. The sooner we get out of here the better.”

“Don’t raise your voice at me, Emmit Jerome Lewis. Don’t ever do that to me.”

Emmit turned to look at me as I stood there with my arms wrapped around my trembling body. “I’m scared enough as it is.”

It only took him two steps to get to me as he cupped my face within his hands. The color was drained from his cheeks as his eyes captured mine.

“I’m so sorry, baby. I would never ever hurt you.”

My hands rested on his arms. “I know that.”

Emmit closed his eyes and shook his head as he softly spoke, “I’m sorry, Addie. I would never ever do anything to scare you. I just want you safe.”

I squeezed his arms and he opened his eyes. “I’m safe as long as I’m with you. You’re the only place I feel safe.”

Emmit’s eyes searched my face before they fell to my lips as I instinctively licked them.

We were both stressed and scared. This whole thing had thrown both of us, and I could see it in Emmit’s eyes that he needed something different from me. This whole week had been about Emmit showering me with attention and loving me so sweetly. We had made love so many different times in so many romantic ways. Now he needed something more.

He needed something raw.

I needed something raw.

This was not the time to make sweet love.

With a step back away from him, I lifted my dress up over my head, revealing the teal two-piece bathing suit I still had on.

“Take me,” I whispered as I slipped my top off. His breathing picked up and his eyes exploded with the need to do just that. He hesitated and I knew he was worried he was too worked up and he might be rough, but that was what we both needed, to get lost in the passion of our love.

“Emmit.” I said louder as he jumped and looked into my eyes. “I want it rough. I want you to take me. Now.”

With one quick move, Emmit had me pinned against the wall with my arms above my head as he slammed his lips against mine.

“Yes,” I hissed as he moved his lips along my jawline, taking small nibbles as he moved over to my ear.

“Are you sure?” he asked.

“I want this.”

My body left the ground as Emmit picked me up and brought me over to the kitchen island. Setting me down, he quickly stripped out of his own clothes. His hands landed on my hips where he grabbed my bathing suit bottoms and pulled them off hard and fast, causing me to slide across the cold granite.

“You have to promise me you will tell me if I’m too rough.”

I nodded my head as my heart slammed over and over against my chest. My stomach felt as if I was on a roller-coaster, heading up for the first big drop as I anticipated what Emmit would do next.

“Don’t move,” he said as he reached down and picked up my bathing suit top. “I’m going to tie up your hands.”

I placed my hands in front of me as Emmit shook his head. “Put your hands behind you, baby.”

Doing what he asked, I held my breath the entire time he tied up my hands. Emmit walked around to the front of me and lifted me off the counter and set me down.

“Turn around and lean over the island.”

I did as he said and leaned over. I let out a gasp as my breasts touched the cold granite.

Emmit grabbed my arms and pushed my legs apart as he spread me open further. My body came to life as he pushed his fingers inside of me and quickly worked me up. He’d never gone so fast or so hard before with his fingers.

His lips moved across my back as he kissed me and talked. “You’re so wet, baby. Are you ready for this?”

I nodded my head and panted out my words. “Yes! I’m. Ready.”

Before I could say another word, Emmit pulled back on my arms and slammed inside of me as the pleasure mixed with the burning pain of how forceful he was.

Kelly Elliott's books