Ignite (Speed Series Book 1)

I couldn’t help but smile at how excited she was. Turning back to the pilot, I nodded as we shook hands firmly, but quickly. “Sounds perfect.”

Before I knew it, we were seated and the plane was taking off down the runway as I tried like hell to calm my nerves. My leg bounced up and down and I had no idea if I was nervous of the flying or the fact that I was about to make love to my wife.

My wife.

Those words alone caused heat to radiate through my body as I looked at Adaline.

My eyes caught the other flight attendant as she walked up and leaned down. “Mr. Lewis, you’re free to move about. Everything has been taken care of as you requested. Just head straight back through the door.”

Giving her a nod, I said, “Thank you so much.”

I couldn’t help but notice her lips part open slightly before she pressed them back together. I could see the lust in her eyes as she stared at me before retreating away. Turning away from her, I looked at Adaline who had her face buried in her Kindle. The moment she saw her bag, she reached in and grabbed it. It was kind of cute she thought she was going to get some reading in on this flight. I had other plans, though.

I unbuckled my seat belt and stood up as I looked down at my beautiful bride. Adaline glanced up and gave me the brightest smile ever. I held my hand out as she quickly set her Kindle down, unbuckled and stood up. My fingers gently moved over her cheek as I looked into her eyes. “Have I told you how beautiful you look?”

Adaline’s eyes sparkled with delight as she bit down on her damn lip so hard it turned white. My dick jumped in my pants as I quickly picked her up and carried her to the back of the plane.

With a lighthearted laugh, Adaline dropped her head onto my chest as she took in a deep breath. “God, I love how you smell.”

I pushed the door open and walked into the bedroom. My eyes widened as I looked at the room. “Holy shit,” I said as I slowly set Adaline down as she spun around and took everything in.

“Oh, Emmit. This is so romantic!”

The lights in the room were dimmed down giving it a romantic feel. The bed was covered in red rose petals and a bottle of champaign sat next to it, chilling in ice.

I slowly took my shirt off as Adaline turned to face me. Her eyes burned with desire as my pulse raced faster. “Turn around, Addie.”

Adaline did as I asked as she quickly turned around and looked back at me from over her shoulder. My hands were shaking as I dropped my shirt to the floor and then reached for her zipper. As I slowly unzipped her dress I took in a deep breath.

Adaline’s perfume filled my senses as I memorized every single thing about this moment. The slight moan she made when her dress pooled around her feet and my hands lightly touched her back caused me to smile. I loved that my touch affected her like it did. Her chest falling up and down and her beautiful hair as it fell lightly around her shoulders as I slowly took it down.

Adaline slowly turned and faced me. The only thing she was wearing were light-blue panties. “Jesus, I didn’t know you didn’t have a bra on that whole time.”

With a throaty laugh, Adaline said, “Built in bra in the dress.”

“Nice,” I said as I ran my finger along the top of her breasts. Adaline reached for my pants and unbuttoned them as she licked her lips and looked down. I could see the anticipation in her eyes as my heart pumped harder in my chest.

“I can’t wait to feel you inside of me, Emmit.”

A shiver ran across my entire body as Adaline pushed my pants and boxer briefs down. Taking my dick in her hand, she gently stroked it as I dropped my head back and let out a gush of air.

“Fucking hell, I’m trying to go slow, but I just want to fuck the hell out of you.”

Her hand gripped harder on my dick as I felt her lips touch my chest. “We have plenty of time for that. Right now I want to take in every single moment. Slowly.”

If slow is what she wanted, slow is what I was going to give her. Her lips moved further down my chest to my stomach then across my hips. If she thought she was going to give me a blowjob she was crazy. One touch of her lips on me and I would come.

I reached down and lifted her back up as I pressed my lips against hers. Adaline wrapped her arms around my neck as we quickly got lost in the kiss. What started off as slow, moved to me sucking her lower lip into my mouth and gently biting down on it. Whispered names ignited the desire even more as our hands couldn’t seem to touch enough areas of skin.

As I walked Adaline back, her legs hit the bed and she sat down; never once did we break our kiss. Crawling onto the bed, Adaline laid back as I spread her legs open to me. I pulled my lips from hers as I gazed into her eyes. “I love you so much.”

Kelly Elliott's books