Ice (Elite Forces #1)

These fucking men we go after don’t give two shits if the men and women who work their asses off are killed or not, but we sure as hell do.

“It looks like another night raid. It still won’t be easy. Some of these places are open all night. There’re tons of bars. And foreigners will be on vacation. We’re going to have to walk in and escort that bastard out,” I tell them both frustratingly.

“Not necessarily. Look behind this building. It’s an open field for at least a half mile. I think we’re definitely in for a night drop, but it’s nothing we haven’t done before. We got this shit.” I quirk my brow at Kase, while we watch Pierce tap away in confidence on the computer bringing up different angles. He moves his mouse here and there, marking with an X. This is his expertise. It’s the reason they wanted him working for the government. He can work you into the smallest hole and help you weasel your way out.

“Done. Now.” He spins around in his chair. “Tell us about these two specialist. It’s obvious they impressed you.” That’s an understatement if I’ve ever heard one.

“Captain Harris and Captain Elliott of the United States Army Special Forces. Harris is a translator and one hell of a shooter. He’s confident in everything he does.” I pause briefly. Christ, I know these guys, they love women as much as I do, but neither one of them has battled alongside one before. My temper flares before I even tell them about her. I slam it back down my throat before they catch wind to the fact there’s more to me and Jade than what I’m about to tell them.

“And Elliott?” Kase presses.

“Captain Jade Elliott,” I announce.

“What? A woman? Explain, asshole.” Pierce slams his beer down on the desk.

“I’ve heard of her. She’s the first woman to make it through Ranger school. Well, there were several of them, but fuck, I had no idea she was on this last mission with you.” There are a lot of things about her they don’t know, and I need to keep it that way. My hands want to clench in a fist and punch him in his damn mouth for his reaction.

“She’s damn good. Not only did she save my life out there by killing a young boy we never saw, but she can shoot like no one else I’ve ever seen, and I mean ever. She’s good, really fucking good, and I want her.” They both look at me like I’ve lost my mind or I’m growing another head and it doesn’t resemble the one currently sitting on my shoulders.

“What the hell do you mean you want her? Have you been fucking her?” My anger spreads from Pierce to Kase when he talks to me like he’s my parent.

“Hell, no. What the hell is your problem? She’s a woman. And a soldier. A damn fine one. She’s willing to give up her career for this, just like Harris. The only difference between the two of them is, she has a * and he has a dick. But that woman has balls like a damn man when it comes to her job. She’s dedicated.” I need to shut the fuck up about her. The three of us are partners, yes, but each one of us has a specialty in how we run our business, and they damn well know mine is setting up the best team I can find.

“You like her,” Pierce says more out of curiosity than a question.

“Of course I do. She’s a damn good soldier.” He smirks at my answer.

“That’s not what I mean and you know it, Maverick. You like this woman. She means something to you. I can see it all over your damn face. There’s no denying it. Shit, man. I hope to god you know what the fuck you're doing.” I stand there for the longest damn time, my gaze darting back and forth between my two best friends. My brothers.

“Listen. I’m not going into details with the two of you about what’s happening between Jade and I, but come the fuck on. Do you really think I would jeopardize anyone’s life? This woman knows what the hell she’s doing, and for the two of you to say otherwise is nothing but pure bullshit.” I sink my ass down in the chair and let them think about their reaction to what they are actually saying. It’s wrong.

“We know you wouldn’t put anyone’s life on the line. That’s not what the problem is here. The problem is you. I’m concerned for you. Can you handle being out there with her? Watching her back while still leading this team?” Kase asks. Then he slugs down the rest of his beer.

Hilary Storm & Kathy Coopmans's books