Ice (Elite Forces #1)

“Have each other's backs. This is a ride or die team, and I want you to include Harris and Elliott in on that. I promise you they have the talent to save your asses out here.” His intense stare into his team’s eyes leaves no room for discussion. This is him protecting me. I know this. He knows this.

“If there aren’t any questions, let's load the fuck up and do this. Wear your civilian clothes until we reach Mexico. We’ll have a place to change when we reach the gear that’s already been delivered.” The guys all move to their feet quickly, and I follow just shortly after. I'm moving through the door and past Kaleb when he pulls me back against his chest, closing the door.

“Why are you so fucking distracting? I love watching your eyes when you listen to me talk. You're so damn beautiful it makes my dick hard knowing I'll be taking you away on that trip I promised.” He slides his palm down my arms, and I feel him everywhere. “Have you picked the place?”

“Not yet.” I turn to face him, allowing my hands to touch his chest.

“Well, you need to figure it out, because we leave in about four fucking days.” He leans down to kiss me, and I allow him for a few seconds, kissing him back before we have to make an appearance outside. This time in here goes against everything we planned, and I'm not risking the bullshit if they find out.

“I told Kase and Pierce about us.”

“Kaleb, what the fuck?”

“I had to. They'd have guessed in one fucking second anyway. I wanted them to hear from my mouth I have my head on straight, so they don't start doubting me out there. I'm clear as fuck and they needed to see that.”

“Okay, but they'd better not give me any shit.”

“They won't. Now get out there before I have to tell the rest of those fuckers.” He slaps my ass and opens the door. I give him the eye before I walk out, clearly swaying my ass on purpose until I'm in view of the rest of the team. Let him sit on that.

I take the packet Trevor hands me, then move to the empty seat at the back and immediately start studying. Every single bit of information could make a difference out there. I'm so focused that I miss Kaleb boarding, and before I know it, we’re moving.

I listen to the guys give each other hell and watch Harris join right in. He fits well with these guys; hell, he fits with any team. He's one of those people who could work any room in record time. I'm more the quiet, reserved type when it comes to a group like this. I observe then prove myself with my actions. I've learned that's the only way to shut anyone up anyway.

“Hey Elliott, you too good to cut the shit with us?” Jackson turns to call me out on being impersonal.

“I'm not here to talk to you guys, I'm here to successfully get through this mission. If you want to talk to me, look me up after.” Kaleb’s eyes go wide, and I wait for his smartass mouth, but he holds back whatever he was about to say.

“Damn, didn't peg you for a bitch.” Jackson’s words might've cut deep if I hadn't heard them my whole career. Kaleb doesn't have to say a word this time, because Harris does it for him.

“Shut your fucking mouth. She'll be the one watching your ass out there. You want her hardened and ready for this fucking mission. Stay the fuck out of her head and let her do her thing.”

Jackson looks at me once more, then sits back. I can see his wheels turning, and I have no idea what he's thinking. I'm sure he’ll make it clear eventually.

Bullet unbuckles his belt and moves through the tiny space to sit near me. Kaleb turns to face forward, and I return to looking at terrorist information.

“Don't pay any attention to Jackson. He's our social butterfly. He likes to run his mouth, but he's a fucking beast in the field.” I nod slightly, giving him the clarification he's after. I'm good.

“I'm used to the stereotype. It's all good.”

“My name is Kase. I go by Bullet on this team.”

“Nice caller. Do I need to pick mine?” I say, hoping he lets me.

“No, they'll give you one soon if they haven't already.” Oh, great. I can just hear it. Bitch or cunt. Or something along those lines.

“Great, I can't wait.”

“Don't you worry. If you don't like it, Maverick will lay them out. I can already see my boy is whipped.” Well, shit. That didn’t work or last long. I’m curious what all was said now though.

“You can?” He nods with a huge smile, showing off the most perfect teeth I've ever seen.

“Oh yeah. I've known him for more years than I'd like to share, and I've never seen him talk about a woman like he did about you.”

“Please don't tell the others until this is over. I don't want people thinking I fucked my way onto this mission or any others I may get on.”

Hilary Storm & Kathy Coopmans's books