Ice (Elite Forces #1)

The flight takes a few hours, and Harris and I don't talk much. He talks to the pilot as we fly across part of the US, and I find my peace and clarity.

This is my life now. Exactly what I'm trained to do and the very thing I prayed I'd have the opportunity to be a part of. A mission like this only comes to an elite group, and I'm now going on two back to back. Going AWOL was an easy decision once I found out who we’re going in for. My superior didn't give me any issues when I reported my status. I didn't share any details about this mission with him, which he didn't ask about either. He seemed more concerned about me having clearance from the psych evaluations.

My mind shifts to Kaleb. Honestly, I'm excited to see this side of him. Not many men can lead something like this using only private resources. His dedication to his career is evident in the way this is all playing out, and I can't tell you how sexy that is to me. A man who knows what he wants and goes after it is a man who gets things done. He's determined, and I can only hope he continues to be focused on me once we all return from this mission.

We land before I know it, and this is when everything goes quickly. We follow Trevor into a Hummer that's waiting for us, drive a few minutes across a field, then pull up next to a log house that appears to be very new. I'm working overtime to pull in all I can as I look around to know my surroundings. Three more log cabin style homes in view and a dog on my left. Two men standing next to a helicopter and another three in front of the house we pull up to. Movement toward us pulls my focus back to the men by the helicopter.

Once we’re all standing near, Kaleb steps out of the house, and I feel my tension decrease. My anxiety falls slightly, and I don't miss his stare straight into my heart. The hungry look in his eyes matches mine, and I decide right then that he matches my cravings when it comes to the adrenaline of this kind of stuff.

“Captain Elliott, Captain Harris, this is my team. You've met the pilot Steele, this is Bullet, Tank, Ace, and Vice, and that grinning fool over there is Action Jackson. Everyone come inside, so I can brief you before we leave out.”

He stands holding the front door open, allowing everyone through as he watches me. I wait till the end to walk up and feel the warmth of his smile move over me in this otherwise cold situation. Tension is definitely in the air when I step through the door and look at the men standing together in the large living area. A few begin to sit at the long dining room table, so the rest of us follow.

“We don't have much time. Pierce, get the images up.” He brushes his hand across my back as he passes me to take his spot at the head of the table, allowing him access to the technology surrounding us. The guy he called Ace earlier begins to put information on the large wall behind Kaleb’s back.

“This is Al-Quaren. He has a few look-a-likes surrounding him at all times, so we’re looking for these specific markings.” He shows scars on the target’s arm and neck as well as a small mole on the side of his face. His features are hard to see with the thaub he seems to always wear. “I need him alive. We go in and pick him up. If you're in this room, I expect you to have anyone else's back in here as if you'd have mine. This is a big mission for me before I take some much needed fucking time off. These orders came from The President himself, so don't fuck this up.”

“We’re flying in tonight then immediately boarding a waiting truck . We’ll reach the drop locations later that night. We’ll go in, fuck shit up, grab his ass, and then get the fuck out. Here are the pictures of his * sidekicks you have my permission to blow their heads off once you verify it's not our guy.” He begins to show us pictures of five men who look very similar. I work to notice noses, lips, and eyes, focusing on the slightest differences.

“Each of you will have a packet with all of this information. I want you studying the shit out of it on the flight. Know these fuckers like you'd know your own mom before we land that bird.”

I stop obsessing just slightly, knowing I'll have another chance to look. Kaleb keeps his focus on the mission and does very well hiding our relationship from the guys, which I'm thankful for.

“You each have a bag with your gear in it and your fake IDs with clearance back into the US in the event there are any problems. I've given you everything we need to do this without limitations. You'll have heat and night vision capabilities, and your weapons are the ones you're used to using. There's no time to be hesitating even one single fucking second out here. Wear your goddamn vests and headgear with the rest of the clothes and this should go easy.” He pauses to look at me for just a slight second.

Hilary Storm & Kathy Coopmans's books