Ice (Elite Forces #1)

“I gave my word to Maverick. You don't need a promise from me. Besides, Jade, your work, stamina, and courage speak for itself. It’s not every day a woman achieves what you have. I’m damn proud to have you on this team. I can’t wait to see more women in active duty. In my opinion, they deserve it and they’ve earned it.” I like this guy. He’s honest and not afraid to stand outside the normal realm of thinking.

“Thank you.” I see Kaleb turn around to talk to Harris and watch the features on his face. He's relaxed. He's in his element and ready to thrive. I burn this view into my memory before I go back to studying the enemy.


That landing was smooth, and we stay inside until the plane rolls into another hanger. The door opens, and the hot air fills the cabin instantly.

“Welcome to Mexico, my friends.” An old man and woman greet us in the building. “But you've got to hurry.” We rush to grab our gear, while he points to an old farm truck with wood as sides for the bed of the truck. We’re surrounded by the stench of shit, but it's nothing new to us.

The old man moves to the driver's seat, and we’re moving again before we have a chance to think. “We have twenty miles until we reach the chopper. We have time there to regroup.” Kaleb makes sure he’s sitting near me this time, and I watch out the side of the truck, looking for any signs of activity around us.

“They're naming you Ice. We’ll use that name throughout the mission. I felt it was fitting enough.” I honestly kind of like it, it's a name I can deal with. I’m surprised they don’t have Queen behind it though. Ice works either way.

“They tried to name Harris Pretty Boy, but I vetoed that. He’ll be Stone.” We don't use names on missions. It’s call names only.

“Got it.”

“I go by Fire on missions.” I can't hold back my laughter.

“Of course you do.”

“I thought you'd like that.”

“Oh, it's very fitting.” Fire and Ice. I’m dying inside. It’s fucking perfect.

“Fire, you need to kill that fuckin smile. It's time to be focused on getting that motherfucker.” Bullet leans in to reel Kaleb in. I hold my smile in. I can't wait to chill with these guys outside of a stressful mission.

The rough ride to the chopper finally ends, and we all pile out and move inside an old house. We’re greeted by a Caucasian man who seems even older than the man who drove us here.

“Okay, everyone, get your asses in your gear and be ready to move in ten. I want to show you the layout of the house he’s hiding in. The truck will drop us close, then the chopper is how we’ll get the fuck out.” The guys begin taking off their shirts and I follow. This sports bra hides everything I need to hide, but shit if my eyes are working hard to betray me. These guys are all ripped. I could tell they were built, but had no idea how cut they were. This is a different caliber of man than I'm used to being surrounded by in the Army. Harris fits in here more than he ever did with the guys we were around in the Army.

Then they begin to stand in their underwear. Kaleb watches me as I have no issues standing in my panties and bra putting on the gear meant to fit tight and give me an edge up on the enemy. All black, thick enough to keep me from getting hurt as I crawl through whatever shit I'll have to, and fire resistant to top it off. The headgear is the exact same as what we used on our last mission. This transition is easy, but I know he made it that way.

Pulling my boots on, I catch his eyes again and give him a smile, knowing the little stunt I just pulled will have my ass in trouble later, but that's a price I'm willing to pay to watch him squirm a bit. It's a game I'm learning to love.

“Alright, let's go.”

“Fire, I'll lead us off here.” Jackson leans in, and the guys all surround him, so Harris and I follow. “May this day go well, so I can soon feel the swell of my dick going into some *. Because I'm not afraid to lick my way to the top and get me some nice, tight titties. Give me some ass that'll have me begging, and let this day go in the history books as bangin’. It's time to get this motherfucker, so I can keep my reputation, because I've got some MILFs just waitin’.” The little laughter coming from the group brings a smile to my face as all eyes move to me.

Hilary Storm & Kathy Coopmans's books