Ice (Elite Forces #1)

“Fuck. You feel so good on my cock.”

Yes, I do feel great when I'm on his cock. He makes me feel like no other man has. I can tell he truly cherishes me, and it feels amazing to have someone desire me like he does. He thinks I'm ruining him…. I think he's already ruined me. I'll never be able to be with another man without comparing him to this right here. Can he make me feel like I do right in this very second? I've found my fullness, and I don't want to ever lose it.

He moves us to the edge of the bed, allowing my wrists free and my head slightly hanging off the edge. The blood rushes to my head, intensifying everything, and I begin a very loud release yet again. His final thrusts are the best because of the warmth he fills me with every time he slams against me.

“I love how you sound when I fuck you.” Oh god, I love it too, but I can't talk right now. The feeling of complete satisfaction has made me a lifeless mess of exhaustion, and I let him wrap me up in his arms and hold me while I quickly fall asleep.


Leaving her is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. Its right there, dead-even with when I left for basic training all those years ago, watching my mom and sister balling.

Jade had tears in her eyes when I held her in my arms this morning. It made me smile into the mess of her hair when she said she was crying because she wanted to spend more time with me. Not because the next time we see each other, we’ll be in full combat mode. I loved hearing her say that. I love even more that when this is over, we’ll take off somewhere. Sure as shit won’t be Mexico. No fucking way. It will be tropical. Where I can watch her parade around in a bikini. Fuck. Maybe not. Maybe it should be the Swiss Alps, where she’s covered up in ski gear. That way I won’t be beating every man’s ass who looks her way.

“You’re an idiot, Maverick. That woman only wants you. Dominate in the bedroom only, you asshole. She’s the one who’s dominated your ass.” I laugh. Now I’m talking to myself.

I turn on the stereo, flipping through every channel I can find. “Jesus, I like country, but fuck. Not a single damn classic rock station.” I settle on some shit I’ve never heard of and put my mind to this mission. To capture this asshole and get the hell out of there. Before I know it, I’m pulling into the gates of the compound.

It’s been a while since I’ve been here. Our home away from home. Our safe place. Log cabins nestled in the woods. Ten acres between us separating each other, yet close enough that if anyone found out about us being here, we wouldn’t have far to get to each other.

I pull my truck up to the office after shutting the gate up tight with the remote and park it alongside Pierce’s truck.

“It’s about damn time, fuckface. Kase said you had business in Alabama. You care to share?” That damn devious expression of his needs to be slapped off his face.

“No. It’s my business, not yours, dickhead. What the hell are you doing here anyway? Don’t tell me you’re our personal contact to The President?” Pierce snaps his head back as if I’d bitch slapped him.

“Well, fuck you too.”

“Shit. You are. Damn man, are you sure you can handle a gun? I mean, you’ve been behind a desk for how long now?” I’m goading him, and he hates that shit. He’s always so touchy about his desk job. While Harris can speak any language under the damn sun, Pierce was born and raised in South Texas. He knows Spanish as well as English, and he has one of the best aims with a knife out of anyone I have ever seen.

“When you have no idea what the hell people are saying, you’ll be glad I have your back. Now go help Kase with the beer and chips. Seems the fucker lost his way.” Our threesome has always been this way. Easy bullshit. Tease a little. We’re real. A bond only to be shared between the three of us. It’s authentic to a point no one will ever get in, nor will they understand the things we’ve been through. I served months overseas with these two and battled and killed alongside both of them. We’ve saved each other’s lives and talked into the dead of night about our families and home. We would die for each other, and we’ve always promised that none of us would be left behind.

“He’s hiding here. It’s an old, abandoned building in the middle of Tonala, Mexico. It’s busy as hell down there. This place is known for all of its markets and vendors. He’s smart. I give him credit.” Pierce takes a sip of his beer while showing us the map. The town is down by Guadalajara. Busy as hell is right. Street vendors selling their hard work everywhere. It’ll be full of innocent people.

Hilary Storm & Kathy Coopmans's books