Ice (Elite Forces #1)

“I agree. I won’t tell them anything, but it will kill me when they start to talk about you and I can’t rip their dicks off. Because I know the second they see you, they’ll talk about fucking your sweet ass. They’re men. They aren’t dead.” I almost laugh. Almost. A jealous Kaleb is a sexy Kaleb. He needs to know though, whatever we have stays here.

“Just bite your tongue and let it roll off of you. You and I know who will be hitting this when we get back home.” I slap my ass playfully, smiling at him as I walk away from him before he can copy me.

“I sure as fuck will, but first I’m keeping you up all night long.” We start to walk back to the horses. Who would’ve ever thought we’d be out here like this right now, talking about the single most dangerous mission, and the one thing we’re worried about is what the others think. I’ve seen it too many times. If the team thinks there’s favoritism, it won’t work as well, and this isn't the time to test the emotions of an entire group of men I’ve never met.

“We should get back to the house and see what Harris wants to do tonight.”

“You know he’s fucking Mallory.”

“Kaleb. He is not.”

“Let’s bet on that.” His eyes travel to my ass. Jerk. I’d give myself over to him just for the pleasure he brings me. I’m not betting him that he can take my ass over something I hope like hell is happening or will happen. He may be right, but I ignore him. Harris and Mal deserve to have some fun, and I know neither of them is insane, so I don’t have anything against them finding time together. I step over the saddle and lean forward to watch Kaleb get on his horse as well. We head back at a much slower pace than before and enjoy the view the whole way. He shares more of his life with me, and I absorb every word he says.



I'm watching Harris on the grill and Kaleb standing to his right with a beer in his hand. I know they're talking mission, and I'm okay with that. They're bonding, and that's important to me. I'm actually surprised Kaleb chose to bring Harris on the mission, considering their history, but it makes me feel better knowing he can put aside his issues and acknowledge talent when he sees it.

Mallory is talking, and I'm doing my best to spend as much time with her before I have to leave again.

“Do you know when you'll be leaving again?”


“Damn it. I was hoping that I'd get you for a few months before you went again.”

“I'm hoping it’ll be short this time.” My eyes drift back to the guys, and I watch them both smile.

“You know I'll be here, and be sure you bring his sexy ass back with you.” She nods her head in Harris’ direction, and I can’t help but interrogate her ass.

“How was the horse ride?”

“It was so peaceful, Jade. I'm definitely going to have to ride again.”

“Are we talking a horse or Harris?”

“Both would be nice, but I'm talking about the horse, you crazy ass.”

“Well, I couldn't tell by the way you look at him.”

“Ehh. He's hot, but so many of them are.”

“Harris is a great guy. He's a riot to be around.”

“Yeah, I've noticed. I've laughed more today than I have in I don't know how long.”

“That's great, Mal.”

“I'm guessing you weren't laughing so much on your ride.” She softly punches my arm, and I laugh at her sorry attempt of hiding that something happened while they were out there.

“No really, we didn't do anything. We just talked about life and shit. He's an interesting guy, and I just loved getting his opinion on things.”

“Maybe we’ll be able to try this trip again when we return.” I say. I’m not one to pry. Well, I am, but not here in front of everyone. She’ll spill her guts out when we get back from this mission.

“I'd love that!” We spend the rest of the evening doing things normal people do every day, and I enjoy every minute of it. It's the simple things like curling my legs up under me on the couch and drinking a cup of coffee or cooking dinner in a fully equipped kitchen, even though the meat was cooked outside on the grill. We keep talking about politics and vacation destinations until we’re all dying to go somewhere tropical with beaches and water surrounding us.

“I'd love to go somewhere like Mexico to eat their authentic food and experience their culture.” Mallory freezes us all when she starts to speak. We all play it off decently well when the initial surprise wears off.

“Nah. Mexico would be fun, but I'm thinking maybe an island somewhere. I'd love the privacy.” Harris insinuates so much with his statement, not to mention his eyes, when he says privacy. Kaleb jerks his head in my direction. His brows lift in a challenging way, and I roll my eyes at him. I won’t admit to him his suspicions are spot-on. No way.

“Well, I think I'm going to bed. I have to head out early, and I'm going to be selfish and take Jade to bed. You two don't mind us if you hear screaming.”

“Kaleb. What the hell?” They all start to laugh, and I stand as he takes me by the hand and pulls me up.

“Yes, old Maverick is a screamer.” I swat his ass with my free hand.

Hilary Storm & Kathy Coopmans's books