I Do(n't)

Which, to my surprise, he did.

Following Connor’s orders, I’d sold my full-sized bed and purchased a queen, along with the matching dresser, chest of drawers, and two nightstands, knowing he wouldn’t have the space in his office for a complete bedroom set. I’d also included a very worn and extremely outdated loveseat and patio table with only three chairs that I “couldn’t bear to part with.” As if that wasn’t bad enough, I loaded everything up in a moving truck, along with the bags upon bags of clothes that had outfitted a walk-in closet, and had Connor drive it all to Holden’s house while I followed behind in my car.

Unfortunately, I had taken a little longer than Connor and arrived the next day. I had to admit I hated to miss the look on Holden’s face when Connor introduced himself, but at least I got a play by play after all was said and done. Apparently, Holden didn’t seem too happy, though he didn’t do or say anything.

As I arrived at my new—albeit temporary—address, I was practically giddy, eager to see what he’d done with all my belongings. The first thing I noticed after walking through the front door was the absence of my loveseat in the living room. I was about to make a comment about it when he led me through the house on our way to my bedroom, and low and behold, he had the hideous loveseat set up in the formal room. It was off from the main part of the house just outside the second and third bedrooms. Then, he showed me what would be my room for the next six months. Only I discovered he’d moved the smaller set from the guest bedroom into his office and given me the bigger room that would hold the larger furniture.

The smug grin toying with the corners of his mouth gave him away. He’d figured me out, and this was his way of showing me he was one step ahead. That was fine, it just meant I had to up my game. There was no way he’d last longer than a month before signing the papers and begging me to get out.

“Your patio table actually fit inside my gazebo in the back yard perfectly. Although, there wasn’t room for the chairs since it has built-in seating, so I stored the three of yours in the garage. And speaking of the garage, would you like to park in there or are you okay with the driveway?”

I hated how accommodating he was being. It made me feel like a bitch. Even though I’d basically gone out of my way to make him regret his decision, I wasn’t normally this conniving or vindictive. This just proved how far Holden had pushed me. I didn’t like being blackmailed or forced to do things I wasn’t interested in, but if he wanted a wife, then I’d give him one.

He more than likely expected someone like Christine, a woman who absolutely adored her man. She took care of my brother better than anyone could, and made sure he knew how much she loved him. But if Holden thought I’d dote on him the way Christine doted on Matt, he had another thing coming. I had no desire to pamper anyone, let alone the one basically holding me against my will.

“The driveway is fine.” While I did prefer the garage, I knew if I said that, he’d make it happen, and then once again, he’d be the good guy and I’d be the needy houseguest. I realized within the first five minutes that I had to rapidly change my approach if I wanted to speed this along.

He showed me the second bathroom tucked away between the bedrooms that would be for my use during my stay, and then he led me back to the kitchen. He stood on one side of the breakfast bar, and I leaned against the other while he gave me my own set of keys and garage door opener. Then he went over the rules he’d typed up the last time I was here, all printed out with his signature along the bottom like a professional contract outlining the terms of our agreement. Lastly, he went over the little details, such as where he kept everything. Again, very hospitable.

“I stocked the fridge with Pepsi for you, because I know you hate coffee. If there’s anything else you like to have on hand that I don’t have, either shoot me a text with the list to pick up when I get time, or I can leave you with money for grocery shopping.”

No matter how much it pissed me off that he looked like the hero and I was left to be portrayed as the nasty, estranged wife, I couldn’t seem to draw my attention away from him. Clearly dressed for work in a pressed, button-down shirt and tie, paired with form-fitting black, pinstriped pants, he looked like sex on legs. Sex on legs that ended in a very expensive pair of shiny black shoes. Sex in a suit. Sex with oh-so-sexy bedhead.

“Janelle…” It was enough to catch my attention and make me aware of the fact I’d zoned out. He leaned over the counter, his face dangerously close to mine, which only made the need to touch him worse. Add in the palpable scent of peppermint wafting off him, and I was a goner. “You’ll be okay?”

“Yeah. Yup. I sure will. Perfectly fine. Why? Where ya going?”

He picked at the corner of a piece of paper with his short fingernail and chuckled beneath his breath. With a quick shake of his head, he slapped the countertop and said, “Good. See ya later.” And as if someone lit a fire under his ass, he pulled a set of keys from his pocket and made a beeline toward the front door.

“Wait! You never answered me. Where are you going?”

He stilled by the door and peered over his shoulder with the kind of smile any woman would gladly part their legs for. “I did tell you. You weren’t listening. I have to get back to the office to catch up on some work. I’ll probably be there late since I had to take off yesterday and this morning.”

“What’s considered late?” Suddenly, the idea of being in his home alone terrified me.

“After dinner. If you’re in bed by the time I get home, I’ll see you after work tomorrow.”

“Hold on.” I took a few steps in his direction as if I needed him for protection. “What do you mean you’ll see me tomorrow? Will you really get home that late? What time do you think you’ll get done with work tomorrow?”

Leddy Harper's books