Entice (McKenzie Brothers, #4)

“There is nothing wrong with having a full kitchen. I mean it’s not right having empty cupboards, and when I come and visit I’ll have everything at hand to cook for you both.” He grins as our food is placed in front of us.

“Oh this looks good,” I comment as my stomach lets out a rumble. “I think by the sound of that, your child is hungry as well.” I point my fork at Lucien.

“She’s a McKenzie and needs feeding regularly.”

“He’s a McKenzie and needs feeding regularly.”

I collect a large portion of salad onto my fork and shovel it into my mouth, sighing when the flavor bursts on my tongue.

Dante chuckles. “Well whatever the sex of your child is, they are going to be health with all that salad you’re eating.”

“I love food, but I can’t eat a large lunch otherwise I’ll sleep all afternoon and I want to make lasagna for dinner.”

“That sounds good.”

“You are not eating with us tonight,” Lucien points out to Dante. “I plan on talking to Sabrina this evening, and we could do without an audience.

“I was only teasing. I’m picking Eric up at the airport later. He’s coming out for a few days. We’ll hike and fish, and maybe camp out.”

“I met Eric in Lexington, or rather I lived with him and Ramon for a couple of weeks. He’s a great guy, but get’s grouchy when you’re dragging him from shop to shop to try and find maternity clothes.” I smile remember his face when I told him I needed bras. “He threatened to leave me when I wanted to go into a lingerie store, so I had to go back the day after alone.”

Lucien chokes on his chicken, and scowls at me.

I nudge him with my shoulder. “Notice I said I went back alone.” I kiss his cheek.

“I never thought I’d see the day, and I’m glad I have.” Dante gets up from the table and, taking my hand into his, places a kiss there before meeting my gaze. “Take care of him.”

“I will. He’s not getting rid of me this time.”

“Good.” Releasing my hand he looks at Lucien who’s gotten to his feet. They wrap each other in a manly hug. “You’ve got this,” he whispers to Lucien.

Lucien replies, “I have,” and I can hear the tears in his voice.

We watch Dante leave and I realize that we aren’t the only ones. The eyes of every single woman, and a few married, follow him as well. Lucien shakes his head. “He always attracts attention. Wherever we go. It’s as though they can’t believe he’s really a priest.”

“How long has he been one?”

“Fully? For about six years. Something happened—I don’t know what—one minute he was happy and opening a restaurant, and the next he was selling the restaurant and joining the priesthood. I’ve never been able to get out of him what happened. On the odd occasion, I get the feeling he regrets his decision, but I don’t really know because it’s the one subject that is taboo between us.”

“Is he a good priest?”

“He is. The church where he’s at was a disaster when he was appointed there, but he’s turned it around and gets a full house every Sunday. There are a few, um, ladies who like to follow him with their eyes, which puts the fear of god into him.”

“I’m not surprised. He’s cute,” I say as I put the last bit of salad into my mouth feeling Lucien’s eyes on me. “Okay, he’s not that cute. Happy now.”


“I’m tired,” I sit back and caress my stomach, “and in need of a sleep after all.”

I didn’t want to sleep this afternoon, but I’m struggling to keep my eyes open.

“Okay. Let me get the bill and we’ll go home.” Lucien waves to the server and pulls out his wallet but I’m barely aware of it…all I can think about is the word home.

“Home,” I whisper and watch his eyes darken with desire, “I really like the sound of that.”

“So do I.” He leans towards me and kisses my waiting lips. Pulling away, he whispers, “You are so beautiful, Sabrina.”

He prevents me from answering with his fingers over my lips.

“Don’t say anything. Let’s go so you can get some sleep.”

Wrapping an arm around my waist, he practically hauls me out of my seat to the amusement of our server.

“Have a good afternoon,” she says turning her back, but not before I can see the grin on her face.

Going back to my conversation with Lucien, I ask, “Please don’t let me sleep too long. I’m craving lasagna for dinner.”

“I won’t, babe.” He smiles, kissing me on top of my head.

Chapter Thirty-Eight


Tonight, not only have I impressed Sabrina with my cooking skills, but myself.

When Dante had fitted out the kitchen, it also included a shelf full of easy to follow recipe books so not wanting to wake Sabrina, I’d looked up lasagna and followed the books instructions to the T. The end result was a lasagna that tastes really good. And considering Sabrina is on her second piece, I’d say she’s enjoying it as well.

“I can’t believe you made me this. You always said you could only cook toast.” She grins.