Entice (McKenzie Brothers, #4)

“There must be one heck of a view from those large windows.” She points to the floor to ceiling windows to the right of the house.

“There is. You’ll see it in the morning.” I smile at her enthusiasm, and add, “Our bedroom is above those windows, and we have a balcony directly outside.” I refrain from adding, that it will be nice to sit out with a glass of wine during the summer months.

We’re going to freeze if we stay in the car any longer so climbing out, I run around and open the door for Sabrina. Taking her hand, I help her out of the car and thank God that she’s wearing chucks instead of heels with the snow on the ground.

“I can’t wait to see the inside,” she says. Her head is moving around trying to take it all in at once. “Oh, wow. You have a huge Christmas tree in your driveway.”

I laugh.

The driveway from the road is long, but as you arrive at the house it’s circular with the tree in the middle of the circle.

“C’mon, lets get inside before we freeze to death.”


I wrap my arm around her telling myself it’s so she doesn’t slip. That does have something to do with it, but I just want to keep her close to me.

Chapter Thirty-Seven


Waking up to sunlight blazing through the blinds, I stretch my lethargic body and end up kicking Lucien with the heel of my foot.

Hearing him grunt, I try to turn over but he stops me with hands on my hips. “Go back to sleep, babe.”

I wiggle back against him and smile when I come up against his hardened length that’s twitching against my bottom.

“I’m wide awake, just like something else is.”

“That’s always wide awake when I’m with you.” He chuckles. “In fact, it’s awake when I’m not and I have the thought of you in my head.”

“Mmm.” I wiggle again, and with a hiss his arm wraps around my hips, keeping me against him.

“Sabrina,” he whispers into my ear as a warning, but after the two orgasms he gave me last night on the plane, I’m desperate to feel the slide of his cock inside me.

“Lucien, I’m throbbing for you,” I moan.

His arm tightens slightly.

“I want you to know everything before I make love to you.”

“Then tell me.”

“Not while we’re in bed. This evening after dinner. Please just be patient with me that little bit longer.”

He’s frustrating the hell out of me, but I understand where he’s coming from.

Doesn’t mean I can’t play. After all, he must be frustrated as hell having a permanent erection. He was rock hard last night after having his hands and mouth all over me so it’s only fair I return the favor, right? If he’ll let me that is.

Reaching behind me, I slide my hand over his hip and squeeze his firm ass.

He hisses between his teeth with his cock rubbing between the crease of my bottom.

“Please don’t stop me from touching you,” I beg knowing he’s probably two seconds away from grabbing my hand.

My hand slides to the front of him and as I slowly wrap my fingers around his erection, he groans in pleasure. My thumb rubs the bulbous head coming away coated with his excitement.

Feeling wicked, I turn my head and meet his gaze over my shoulder. Bringing my hand up to my face, I suck my thumb into my mouth and watch as his eyes darken with lust.

Going back to his pulsing cock, I slightly wiggle my bottom away and push him down before wiggling back against him. His cock is now nestled between my thighs from behind.

Moving my hand to the front of me, I take his hand that’s still holding my hips in place and bring it up to my breasts before reaching down to massage the tip of him that’s against my *.

Having him in this position, he’s stimulating me with the length of him covering me from ass to front. I bite back the moan as his throbbing sends tremors through my body.

Rubbing him with my fingers, he starts a slow back and forth motion causing us both to moan.

“You feel good,” I whisper.

“You’ve just stolen my line.”

“Mmm. God, do that again,” I moan.

He’d just pinched my nipple, and he does as I ask sending desire shooting straight to my core, which has started to clench.


He kisses my shoulder as his hand slips over my hip, covering mine on his cock.

“Move your hand, babe.”

I do, placing mine on top of his, and my eyes roll back in my head.

He’s pushing his dick against me, but it’s the finger he’s slipped inside me that’s making my eyes roll.

His breathing has become as choppy as mine as he pumps his hips behind me. The head of his dick is rubbing against my clit with his thrusting.

“Oh God,” I moan, “I wanted you to come this time.”

“I will. I’m right with you…let go and come all over me.”

Not only are his fingers and cock stimulating me, but also his hand is rubbing himself off, which is arousing as hell. With my hand still on his, I can feel him touching himself causing my stomach to start to contract and my * to quiver. Then he slips his other arm between us, and starts pulling and twisting my nipple.