Entice (McKenzie Brothers, #4)

“He has a big mouth.”

“I agree, he also has a big heart,” Rosie adds joining us. “He should be back soon. Ruben picked Lucien up from the airfield about thirty minutes ago.”

My heart thumps in my chest.

“Will you two ladies let me talk to Sabrina for a minute?”

“We’ll go and flirt with the bartender. He’s hot,” Lily, teases Michael.

“Rosie, please keep my wife out of mischief.”

Rosie laughs as she drags Lily off with her leaving me alone with Michael.

“Let’s sit.” He directs me into the chairs to the side of us. “How do you feel about Lucien coming back specifically to talk to you?”


I’m not sure what he expects me to say, but by his surprised look I’d guess he wasn’t expecting that answer.

“I’m not sure what you want me to say.”

“Please don’t hurt him, Sabrina.”


“Let me finish,” he interrupts.

I nod.

“I know he hurt you with his words, but he’s been hurting for a long time now and we all believe that you’re the only one who can help him. He needs you, Sabrina, so all I ask is that you listen to what he has to say and don’t rule him out because he let you go.”

I place my hands over my stomach. “I love him Michael, and I’ve missed him so much over the past two weeks. I’m not going to be hard to get because I’m his. I have been since the minute we met. Yes, he hurt me badly, and when I think about what he said it hurts all over again, but at the end of the day, I don’t want to live without him.”

“You have a good heart,” he smiles at Lily dancing with Rosie on the dance floor. “I also need to thank you for listening to Lily. She missed having you around.”

“I missed her as well.”

“Would you like to dance?” Michael stands and offers me his hand. “Or do you need to rest?”

“Michael, I’m pregnant not an invalid…besides, I may be in an evening dress, but I have my well-worn red chucks on my feet.” I grin, lifting the front of my dress to show him.

He leans close to my ear and whispers. “Don’t tell anyone, but Lily has flip flops on.”

“My lips are sealed. C’mon take me for a spin around the dance floor before Gavin catches me alone.”

He frowns as he takes me into his arm. “Gavin? I thought you liked him.”

“I do. I just wish he’d stop asking me out. I don’t want to give him hope where the isn’t any.”

“You have a loving heart Sabrina, and I’m glad you tied my brother in knots.” He grins and bends to my ear again, saying, “He’s needed a good kick in the ass for years,” louder than necessary.

Then I feel hands on my hips and freeze.


“I can take it from here, brother.”

Michael laughs before grabbing Lily and pulling her into his arms as Ruben does the same with Rosie.

I still haven’t moved.

He brushes up against my back. “Look at me Sabrina,” he whispers, sending shards of pleasure down my spine.

I shake my head.

“Please baby.” He nibbles on my earlobe.

As I start to turn towards him, Lucien moves around as well until we’re facing each other, his hands still on my hips. His eyes are like a caress over my face. As they travel down over my chest, I feel my nipples pucker into tight buds of arousal. His hands tighten on me slightly as his pulse quickens.

“You’re beautiful, Sabrina.” One of his hands slides from my hip to caress the swell of my forever, expanding belly. I feel as though I’ve jumped two sizes since I last saw him two weeks ago.

His hands on me are doing things to my body that I hope no one else can see, but him.

“Please say something,” he asks, “at least give me something that tells me you don’t hate me. I don’t deserve anything, but I need…”

I cover his mouth with mine.

His hand slides into my loose hair and cups my head.

“Sabrina,” his voice is full of hope, “I need you.”

And he kisses me.

Our tongues tangle, my hands go into his hair to pull him closer, his hands pull me flush against him, but it’s frustrating having a larger stomach because I want to feel him against my throbbing core and I can’t.

I break the kiss with frustration.

“I want to feel you,” I whisper in desperation.

“God, Sabrina.” He closes his eyes.

“Let’s dance before everyone gets more of a show.”

He starts swaying me to the music, and I sigh in relief when I finally feel his swollen penis against my stomach. I suppose I should be grateful that he’s taller than me otherwise this wouldn’t be possible.

Although the throb between my legs is growing, it’s Lucien growling when I rub against him that is making my knees week.

God, I’ve missed this man.

He still hasn’t apologized!

“When can you leave?”