Entice (McKenzie Brothers, #4)

I can stay clothed, it will probably kill me, but I’ve been told in the past that I have will of steel. Well, I guess I’m about to put that to the test.

Rolling from the bed, I smirk at her when she pouts. “You’re leaving me like this?”

“Hell, no!”

Kneeling at the foot of the bed, I laugh when I see the red chucks on her feet, sticking out from beneath her dress.

“Michael had the same reaction.”

“I was expecting stilettos, but I’m glad you had something comfortable on.”

“I can’t walk in heels anymore. They wreck my back.”

“I’m here to kiss any aches and pains away now.”

“Well, I have a major ache between my thighs right now.”

I pull each chuck off and let them drop to the floor. “Hmm. Is that right?”

Caressing up from her feet, past her calves and knees, she parts her legs as I feel them quiver beneath my touch. I plan on touching her everywhere, but right now my destination is her belly. I have this need to see her stomach without anything between my eyes and her skin.

Now I’m kneeling between her legs, I watch as she unclasps the halter from around her neck and shoves it down past her large breasts. Trying not to stare at the dusky nipples, which are hard and standing at attention, I climb from the bed pulling her dress off the rest of the way as I go. Turning back to the bed, I catch my breath. She’s lying on her back, spread open for me and completely naked.

The longer I stand staring at her beauty her smile starts to slip.

Yanking my tie off and loosening the front couple of buttons of my shirt, I drop back to the bed and bring her legs closer to me as I straddle them.

“Can I touch your stomach?”

She nods, tears shimmering in her eyes.

With both hands, I slowly caress over her belly, back and forth. I can’t get enough of touching her. Our baby is snuggling inside her, right where my hands are. I’m in awe. After a few minutes, I start to tease up to her nipples before moving back over our baby. Then using my thumb and finger, I pinch one of the plump globes.

She responds by trying to arch from the bed, but she can’t as I’m across her legs, holding her still.

“You like that?”

“God, yes,” bursts from her mouth.

I lean forward, and keeping in mind that I can’t drop my full weight on top of her, I lick and suck one nipple into my mouth while my hands continues to play with her other.

“Argh, don’t stop,” she begs. “Lucien.”

Her fingers slide through my hair before she tightens her hold to keep me against her. I massage her nipple against the roof of my mouth with my tongue before switching to the other, while her hips are pushing up from the bed.

“Why am I the only one naked and having fun?” she whines.

“I’d smack you on the ass after that question, if I could reach it.”


I start to laugh. “I didn’t mean…never mind.”

Placing a kiss to her stomach, I rear up and grasp her one hand, guiding it to my throbbing cock. “I’m having fun. But my dick stays behind the zipper tonight.”

She squeezes.

My eyes practically roll back in my head before I knock her hand away. “Enough of that.”

Crawling down her body with licks and kisses, I spread her thighs again and, lying down between them, kiss the top of her *.

“Oh God.”

I chuckle.

Sabrina raises her head, resting on her elbows. “Did you just laugh at me?”

“I wouldn’t dare. Now lie back and let me taste you.”

She smirks as she drops to the bed. “You have a sexy bum.”

Pausing, I repeat, “Bum?”

“You know, ass or arse as the British say it.”

I’d forgotten she’s spent a long time working in England.

“Bum, though. Really?”

“You do. And you are aware there’s a mirror behind you and I can see your bum rather nicely through it. If you were to strip, I’d be able to see straight between your legs to your balls, just like you’re seeing my *. Your ass is nice and firm. One of these days, I wouldn’t mind sinking my teeth into it.”

“Fuck woman.”

“Yes please.”

With further ado, I use my fingers to open her to my eyes, and shove my tongue straight inside her.

She drops to the bed, and is finally silent, well, unless you count the moans and groaning coming from her.


Pulling up to my home in the early hours of the morning, I watch as a look of delight appears on Sabrina’s face.

Dante headed back to his place a few hours ago, and has switched the outside lights on, so that Sabrina gets to see the house looking like a Christmas card. There had been a light sprinkling of snow earlier, which made it all the more perfect.

Looking at Sabrina now, she turns to me, and whispers, “I don’t know what to say.” She covers her mouth with her hand. “You have the most amazing house.”

We have the most amazing house.

I don’t correct her for now.