Entice (McKenzie Brothers, #4)

I breathe deeply as I admit, “I just hope you’ll still be with me after I’ve told you everything.”

Sabrina turns in her seat, and cupping my face in her hands, brings me closer to her. “I’m intending on sleeping in your arms tonight, and when I wake up in the morning I’m hoping you’re still going to be there to feel the hockey game going on in my stomach. No matter what you tell me, or show me, I’ll still be by your side.” She gives me a quick kiss on the lips before sitting back and looking out of the window.

For the first time in as long as I can remember, I’m feeling positive, and I’m going to hang on to that feeling so it doesn’t cloud over with my stupid conscience.

“The airport.” She turns to look at me. “What do you have planned, Mr. McKenzie?”

“I’m taking you home.”

“Home,” she whispers as I climb out of the car, and run around to help her out.

Well, at least she seems to be coming with me willingly, in fact she’s walking faster than I am.

“What’s the hurry?” I ask tugging on her hand.

“I want your hands on me.” She pulls me behind her, until I pull myself together and follow her up the stairs on the company jet.

Sabrina stops in the entrance with her hand covering her mouth.

I’d given instructions that the main part of the cabin had to be clear when we first arrived. The last thing I want is an audience for the romancing of my woman.

The aisle down the middle of the plane is covered with red rose petals. There are two glasses of fresh milk in champagne glasses. Ruben had told me she was drinking gallons of milk because of heartburn, and she refused to take anything from the doctor.

“Go ahead and take a seat,” I follow close behind her, and she sits in one of the plush leather seats we have on the plane, “we’ll be taking off soon.”

“I don’t know what to say. You’ve done all this for me?”

Nodding, I take my jacket from around her shoulders, replacing it with a soft cream, knit blanket. “The heating will warm you up soon.”

“I can’t believe you’d go to all this trouble for me.”

“I want you to feel special. To know how special I think you are. I’ve let you down, more than once. That has to end.”

I offer her a wry smile. “I’m sorry for everything Sabrina. I’m not sorry for getting you pregnant, and don’t for one minute think that I’m only wanting you because you’re carrying my child. I would have turned up on your doorstep—later—but I’d have been there begging for you to forgive me. You scared the fuck out of me but you are special to me. The baby is an added bonus and this, from tonight, is going to be a new start for us.” I brush the hair from her forehead. “That’s all you’re getting for now. It will probably be too late when we get where I’m taking you to talk, but you’re sleeping with me and we’ll talk tomorrow.”

“I don’t know…”

“Don’t say anything about what I’ve just said. Sit back and enjoy the flight.”

I quickly check that her seatbelt is fastened securely, and my own as the engines comes to life and within minutes, we’re pulling away from the hanger.

She looks completely bewildered with everything. I’ve probably bulldozed my way back into her life and not given her time to think, but she’s not going anywhere again. I’m sick of not accepting that what I want is right in front of my face. Sick of being too scared to grab hold but that is stopping together, I’m not letting go. Within minutes we’re up in the air and at a safe height to release our seat belts. Unclipping Sabrina’s, I take her hand and help her up from the chair. With my hands now on her face, I kiss her…and kiss her some more.

She’s addictive. My passion for this woman is beyond anything I’ve ever experienced before, and instead of it frightening the shit out of me now, I relish it.

The swirl of her tongue around mine has my cock so hard and ready it isn’t funny. I’m not changing my mind about the no sex until we’ve spoken. But, God, have I missed her taste, her touch, her mind and most of all, I’ve just fuckin’ missed her.

I break from the kiss and sweep her up into my arms. Cradling her against me, I carry her into the bedroom at the back of the plane while whispering to her, “I need to lie down with you in my arms. Is that okay?”

She nods. “More than alright. But Lucien, I’ve always wanted to join the mile high club.”

What the fuck?

I stumble as I’m placing her on the bed, falling next to her.

“You are playing hell with my resolve not to love you until we’ve spoken.”

“Lucien, I want to be naughty,” she tells me with a sexy grin on her face and her hand wandering down to my aching cock, which she rubs through my pants.

Removing her hand, I exhale and try to control the rising temperature in my blood as she writhes next to me. Her arousal obvious.