Assured (Soul Serenade #2)

“He’s not one to give up easily.”

“I can hold him off. I’ve done it this long.”

“I don’t know, Stacy. Maybe you should give it a shot. You could be his game-changer.”

I throw my head back in laughter. “Cole Hampton doesn’t have a desire to change the game. He’s living the dream. From his lips to my ears,” I tell her.

“He’s just caught up in the routine. He needs something to mix it up, needs to see what he’s missing. Cole’s a great guy who just needs the right woman to keep him on his toes.”

“Let me guess, you think that woman is me?”

Logan smiles. “Maybe. You never know. You can try. Worst-case scenario, it doesn’t work out.”


“Yeah, but what’s that saying? ‘Better to have loved and lost than to never love at all.’”

“Says the girl who is blissfully married to her best friend.”

“You’re my best friend.”

“I am, but so is he, in a more intimate way.”

Her hands fall over her barely-there baby bump. “I’m having a baby.”

“You are. You’ll have, what? A month left by the time the tour is over?”

“Yes, Kacen is still freaking out about it. The doctor has assured him that it’s fine.”

“He’s going to be such a good daddy,” I gush.

“He is. He already has a crew on standby to start the nursery once we find out the sex.”

“I can’t wait to start shopping. I think we should pick something up in each city for Peanut.”

“I think that’s a great idea.” We both startle at Kacen’s words. “Sorry, didn’t mean to sneak up on you. You all packed, baby?”

The three of us look at the pile of clothes still lying on the bed. “Uh . . . getting there,” Logan tells him.

“I can see that. The guys are all going to stay here tonight. The bus is supposed to be here at eight. Stacy, you might as well stay too. Grab your things and bring them over. That way, we all get a good night’s sleep and no one has to get up at the ass-crack of dawn.”

“I can do that. Thank you.” I finish folding the shirt in my hands. “I think I’ll head over. I have some packing to finish as well. I’ll be back in a few hours.”

“Stacy,” Logan calls my name just as I reach the door. “Thank you. I don’t think I could do this”—she points to her belly—“on the road without you. Thank you.”

“It’s an amazing opportunity. I should be thanking both of you.” With that, I give them a small wave and head to my apartment that just so happens to be over my parents’ garage. As I get closer, excitement takes over. It’s the best of both worlds—I get to travel the world with people I know and care about.

Soul Serenade “Making Love” Tour, here I come.

I spent last night at my sister’s. Mom and Dad come over and we just hung out. Chloe and Kyle announced a few weeks ago that they’re expecting baby number two. My sister was beaming with happiness, as was Kyle. That seems to be my world lately. Marriage, babies . . . love. I’m happy for all of them, but I’m putting my energy into the tour.

None of us has mentioned it, but this could very well be our last, at least for a while. Lives are changing and we made a pact, which I think is why I’m so stoked for this one. It’s only three months, and US only. I prefer that if I’m being honest; international travel is exhausting.

We would still write and make music, but touring could be too much with families. Something the four of have always agreed on is that family comes first, always. Music will be there, but nothing can replace those you love.

The cab pulls up to the gate and I punch in my code. We’re all staying here tonight, which is our normal routine before hitting the road. We can sleep in and get a good night’s rest.

The cab stops next to another just like it. It’s not until I’m climbing out that I see it’s her.


That’s when I’m reminded that she’s going to be sleeping under the same roof as me tonight. Sleeping on the same bus for the next three months. Kacen gave me a lecture a few days ago. “She’s not someone to mess with, Cole,” he had said. Like I don’t know that. I know she’s one of the good ones. The Logans and Stacys of the world deserve more than just to be worked over in a night of passion. I know that, but that doesn’t change the fact that my cock and I still want her.

I quicken my stride to take her bags from the cabbie. “I got it, man.”

“Thank you, Cole.”

The way she says my name with her slight southern accent has my cock twitching, thinking it’s time to come out and play. It’s going to be a long three months if I can’t get this girl under me.

“You ready to make love?” I ask with a smirk on my face.

Her cheeks instantly redden. “Cole, we’ve. . . .”

“The tour, sweets. Are you ready for the Soul Serenade ‘Make Love’ Tour?” I ask with as much innocence as I can muster.

Kaylee Ryan's books