Assured (Soul Serenade #2)

“Hey,” I say, sitting on the bed next to her. “Don’t mock me. Besides, my last name is fucking awesome,” I tell her. Her green eyes sparkle with happiness, and I know this is it.

“Oh, yeah, and why’s that?” she fires back.

I cup her cheek and lean in close, my lips close to hers. My eyes hold her stare. “Because it’s going to change yours.” I kiss her.

She doesn’t kiss me back, so I pull away.


I stand from the bed, bringing her with me. I reach into my pocket and pull out the small blue case that’s been there since I got dressed this morning. I chose to wear baggy shorts on purpose. I fall to my knees and look up at her.

“I’ll be there to catch you when you fall apart under my touch. I’ll be there to catch you when life knocks you down. I’ll be there every damn morning when you wake up, and I’ll hold you in my arms each night. You’re my lover and my best friend.” Tears are streaming down her face as I open the box. “Will you also do me the incredible honor of being my wife?” I use her words from all those months ago.

“Cole?” There is question in her voice.

“I love you, Stacy. I can’t breathe without you. Mia was right. I was just about to ask you then, but she came back and the moment was lost. I want it all, baby. Marriage, kids, dog—hell, you can even have a white picket fence placed around the property. I want all of it and I want all of you, with my last name, for the rest of our lives.”

She drops to her knees, her arms wrapping around my neck. “Yes. YES!” she screams then hugs me tight.

Hell fucking yeah!

Pulling back, I kiss her long and hard. She’s mine. I reluctantly break our kiss to slide my ring on her finger. It’s a four-carat pear-shaped solitaire.

“Oh, my God, it’s beautiful,” she gushes, holding her hand out to admire it. “We’re getting married,” she squeals as she launches herself at me.

I don’t waste time getting to the bed; instead, I strip us both down and make love to my fiancée on our bedroom floor.

We’re both too exhausted and elated afterward to move to the bed, so I reach up and pull the covers down over us. Luckily, the carpet is plush. Stacy sleeps softly as I adjust her so she’s lying against my chest. I’m beat, but sleep won’t come. I’m hyped up on life, on her. I never knew I wanted this, but now I couldn’t be more certain that this is how it was meant to be. Fate brought her to me, and I will make damn sure that I spend every breath letting her know what she means to me. Not a day will go by that she doesn’t feel cherished.

I assure you.

Kaylee Ryan's books