Assured (Soul Serenade #2)

This could be it.

Glancing over at Stacy, I know I have no regrets with that decision. And I know Kacen feels the same. It’s Gavin and Tristan I worry about. Although, the duo seem to be taking this all in stride. I think it helps that as a band, we’ve talked about this forever, almost since the day we were signed. We didn’t want to be washed-up rock stars—we wanted more out of life. Kace more so than the rest of us. He used to tell us that we would come to his way of thinking. If it were any other man, they would have already been saying “I told you so.” Not Kacen. He’s just that guy. The one who has a good head on his shoulders, the protector.

He gets it.

“This is an emotional night for us,” Kacen says into the microphone. “You see, there are some big life changes coming our way. I, for one, am about to be a father.” The crowd roars their approval. “Life is a roller coaster, and we’ve enjoyed every fucking minute!”

Gavin, Tristan and I speak our agreement into our mics.

“This is the last night of the ‘Make Love’ tour.” The crowd goes crazy. “How many of you out there plan on making love tonight?”

The response is deafening.

“Let me get some love for my man, Tristan, on the drums.” He holds his mic out to the crowd. “How about a little for my man, Gavin, on bass?” Again, he holds the mic out to them, and they don’t hesitate to show their love. “And over here.” He points to me. “We have my man, Cole, on lead guitar.” Kacen holds his hand out to the crowd again. “And, of course, I saved the best for last.” He smirks as he points to himself. “What do you say, Michigan? Do we want to bring this fucking house down?”

Earsplitting, thunderous screams erupt. “We are Soul Serenade!” Gavin’s deep voice booms through the arena.

Tristan taps off the beat to our very first single, “Even Matter,” and you can barely hear it over the crowd. The feeling that gives me is a rush like no other. To know they’re cheering for us and our passion, for the music. It’s an awe-inspiring experience. The only thing that has ever come close to that for me is being inside Stacy. Watching her fall apart at my touch.

“Does it even matter,” Kacen starts to sing, and I let myself get lost in the moment, my hands sliding over the strings. I just play.

Three minutes and forty-six seconds later, it’s over. The Soul Serenade “Make Love” tour is complete. It’s been a wild ride for sure.

Instead of rushing off to the girls, we all just stand in our places in the dark, listening to the crowd yell our names.


We all must be thinking the same thing because before I know it, we’ve all gathered around Kacen.

“One hell of a show,” Tristan states.

“Fucking nailed it,” Gavin adds.

“The crowd was on fire,” I say.

‘We’ll be back.” Kacen’s comment has our attention. “I don’t know in what capacity, but it’s in our blood. We’re going to give other bands this same opportunity to see what it’s like to be up here in the lights with thousands screaming their name. However, we’ll be back. Even if it’s just an award show, or a local charity event. We will be back. I want my son to see this. I want him to strive to reach for his dreams.”

“I hear ya, man,” Gavin agrees.

“Holy shit! You guys kicked ass.” Logan rushes into Kacen’s arms. Well, as fast as her eight-months-pregnant body allows her.

Stacy wraps her arms around my waist from behind. I’m sweaty as hell, but my girl doesn’t seem to mind. She locks her hands around my waist and I cover them with my own.

“I can’t believe I’m about to say this shit,” Tristan speaks up, “but my ass is beat. I am so ready to be at home in my bed. Let’s do this.” He motions to the exit sign at the back of the stage.

He gets no argument. I turn to face Stacy and give her a quick kiss, pulling away before I lose myself in her. Tristan leads the way as we leave the “Make Love” tour behind us.

“Home sweet home,” Tristan mumbles as the bus rolls past the Welcome to Nashville sign. We drove through the night, but it’s hard to sleep when the bus is bouncing down a construction zone. For me, it’s more than that. Cole and I haven’t discussed how things will be now that the tour is over. He’s finally convinced me that he’s in this, but all we’ve ever known in our relationship is the tour bus. I’m nervous and don’t know what to expect now that we’re home. On the bus, there was no space; he may want that now that we’re back. I’ve gotten used to his arms around me at night and waking up to him each day. I don’t want that to change, but I don’t want to turn into a stage-five clinger. I do not want to be that girl.

It’s only been three months. Sure, I’ve known him longer and he chased me longer, but still . . . only three months of really knowing him.

Kaylee Ryan's books