Assured (Soul Serenade #2)

Gavin unlocks the door. “Bring them in, guys.”

I move to sit beside Cole instead of on his lap. Gavin mentioned pictures. Cole keeps his arm around my waist as I sit on the edge of the couch. A female officer steps onto the bus.

“Ma’am, I’m Detective Morris. Is there a private place where we can talk?” She looks around at the guys. They can be a little intimidating.

“Here’s fine. They’re family.”

Cole gives my hip a gentle squeeze; I assume that means he approves. I start my story from the beginning, telling her about the run-in outside the bus and every detail of last night. Cole never stops touching me; rubbing circles on my back, kneading my shoulders, squeezing my hip among other things, his hands stay on me. He handles hearing the story again better than I thought he would. His grip would tighten, and I’m pretty sure I heard him growl a few times, but other than that, he kept his cool.

“I’m going to need to take some pictures.” Detective Morris pulls a Polaroid camera from her bag.

Standing, I pull off my long-sleeve Soul Serenade T-shirt. Cole gasps and I laugh. “I have on a cami,” I tell him.

“Woman,” he says, shaking his head.

I’m filled with relief at our banter. It gives me hope that this is not going to turn out like I had originally thought. The guys seem like they’re okay with the plan, and Cole . . . well, he still wants me. I just hope Gavin knows what he’s talking about, that this will all turn out good for them. The Soul Serenade guys are my biggest concern at this point.

“Thank you. I’ll get this processed and there will be a warrant out for his arrest.” Detective Morris looks at Cole. “You make sure she’s not alone until we catch him.”

“I’ve got her,” he says, pulling me close.

Once Detective Morris is gone, I turn to Cole. “Are you sure this is the best way? What if this doesn’t work like you think it will?”

“It’s going to be fine. Besides, it doesn’t matter. We have two weeks left of this tour and then our contract ends a few months after that. Regardless, once this tour is done, so am I. I will not continue to work for Stone Records with Wilson at the helm.”

“This was our long-term backup, if you will. I want to spend more time with Logan and the baby. I don’t want to miss a minute. This is something we’ve talked about. Don’t stress,” Kacen adds.

“If it weren’t for the fans, I would say fuck the rest of the tour,” Tristan chimes in.

“No shit. I would hate to disappoint them, but it pisses me off that that fucker is going to make money off us,” Gavin remarks.

“You can’t.” I cover my face with my hands. “Your fans will hate me.”

“Pretty sure your boy took care of that. Our fans are loyal, and he told them he loves you tonight. When this gets out, they’re going to rally around you. That’s only going to help us, and you,” Kacen explains.

“Sorry to interrupt,” Bruce the driver says. “We need to get on the road if we’re going to make our next destination.”

“Let’s do it,” Kacen responds.

“Babe, let’s go to bed. It’s been a long-ass night, and I need to hold you.” Cole stands and holds his hand out for me.

“Wait!” Logan reaches out and pulls me into a hug. “Don’t you ever keep something like this from me again. Ever. Do you understand?” she scolds me.

“Yeah, I just—”

“No excuses. Stacy, it could have been so much worse.” Her voice cracks.

“It could have, but it wasn’t. It’s just a few bruises that will be gone in a few days,” I try to soothe her. “Get some rest. We can talk more tomorrow.” I hate putting this extra stress on her and the baby.

Lacing my fingers through Cole’s, I allow him to lead me to our bunk. Once we’re settled, my back to his front and his arms around me, I take what feels like my first breath since last night.

“I want to kill him.”

“I know you do, but you can’t. I need you.”

“You should have told me last night.”

“Cole. . . .”

“No, I know why you didn’t. I get it, I do.” He pauses before saying, “I need to see you.”

I roll over, which is not the easiest feat in our cramped space. When we finally get settled, he cups my cheek. The rough pad of this thumb traces across my lips.

“I need to know that you understand what this is. I love you, Stacy. It’s not a crush, not a fling, not just sex. This is more, more than anything has ever been or ever will be. You and me, that’s what’s important. Nothing, not even my career, can touch this, touch us.”

The tears have already started to fall; I’ve lost count of my breakdowns today. His thumb moves from my lips to wipe underneath my eye.

“You come first. I need to know that the next time you need me you will remember this moment right here. No matter what it is, you come first. Always.”

Kaylee Ryan's books