Assured (Soul Serenade #2)

The guys finally decided on a name—Soul Records. They wanted to incorporate who they are into this label. Having put their heart and souls into music, I thought it was fitting. Logan and I both tried to convince them to just call it Soul Serenade, but they shot it down. The compromise was Soul Records, and I have to admit I’m digging it.

“Your dad just called, they’re on the way,” Cole says as he comes in from lighting the grill.

“Why didn’t he call me?”

He smirks.

Dad and Cole hit it off immediately; apparently, they now have a budding bro-mance. I act like it’s weird, but in all honesty it’s comforting to know they get along so well. They are the two most important men in my life. Mom loves him too; he pulled out all the Hampton charm and she was immediately under his spell. Again, can’t blame her.

My phone rings, and I quickly dry my hands from washing the fresh vegetables.

“Hey, Chloe,” I say in greeting.

Cole shakes his head. He’s not the only one who’s formed relationships with family. Chloe and I hit it off right away, and of course Miss Mia and I are tight as well.

“No, I think we’re good. Just make sure you bring your swimsuits,” I remind her. “Great, see you soon.” I end the call.

Cole startles me when his hands land on my hips. He picks me up and sets me on the counter, and I immediately wrap my legs around him.

“I love you. I love this. These moments.” He kisses me softly.

“Hey now, enough of that,” Tristan says, joining us.

“Why did you insist on giving them the code?” Cole asks.

I laugh. “They’re family.” I throw his words from weeks ago back at him.

“Yeah, we’re family,” Gavin goads him as he leans in and kisses my cheek.

“Hands off my woman.” Cole elbows him out of the way.

“Baby, sit down, I got it.”

“EEEP!” I jump off the counter and push Cole to the side. He chuckles, knowing exactly where I’m headed. Baby Drew is my weakness. “Aunt Stacy needs her fix,” I say, holding my arms out as Kacen pulls Drew from his seat. He immediately hands him over, but not before kissing his little head. Kacen is such a softie for his son.

I settle on the couch beside Logan as we coo over the little man. “You need any help?” Logan asks.

“Nope, we got it under control. You just sit back and relax.”

Cole joins us and squeezes in beside me on the couch. “Your husband is checking out my industrial icemaker. He wants one,” he tells Logan.

“Yes, he told me about that. I want to see it.” She stands. “You okay with him for a minute?”

I look over my shoulder at Cole. “He’s big and scary, but I can handle him,” I joke.

She laughs. “Good to know, but I meant Drew.”

“I got this.” I wave her on.

Cole leans in and kisses my neck. “He’s pretty cute,” he comments.

“Yeah,” I say, watching him sleep.

“You want one?” he asks.

Holy shit. “Yeah, I mean, I’ve always wanted to be a mom. I told you that before this even started.” I know I sound defensive, but letting me fall in love with him and then telling me he doesn’t want kids is a dick move.

“Hey,” he says soothingly. His hands stroke gently up and down my arms. “I wasn’t saying I didn’t. I was going to suggest throwing away your birth control pills. We’ve already stopped using condoms,” he says matter-of-factly.

I stop breathing.

He wants kids.

With me.


Am I dreaming?

“Is that what you want?” I manage to ask.

“Yeah,” he replies, his voice soft.

“Now, we’re not married or even engaged. It hasn’t even been a year.”

“It was a year ago today that I first laid eyes on you in the club.”

“You remember that?”

“I do. Every moment, every word, every kiss, every touch with you is engrained in my memory. I knew the minute I laid eyes on you that you were different. I didn’t know at the time that you were going to rock my world.”

“You’re the rock star,” I say stupidly. He’s kind of thrown me for a loop here.

He chuckles. “That I am. I’m also the man who is madly in love with you.”

“You need one of those,” my dad says as he and Mom join us in the living room.

Oh. My. God.

“That’s exactly what I was just telling her,” Cole agrees.

I elbow him, which causes him to laugh. He kisses my shoulder then stands to shake Dad’s hand. They leave to find the other guys. Mom is still laughing at what I can only assume is my horrified expression at my father and Cole discussing me being pregnant.

“Drew, what are we going to do with these crazies?” I ask the sleeping baby.

“Unca Cowe!” Mia screams as she walks through the door.

“In the kitchen,” Cole yells.

I hear the pitter-patter of her little feet and she runs toward his voice. “We habing a pwty,” she says as she launches herself at Cole. Luckily, he was hunched down and ready for her.

“We are, are you hungry?” Cole asks.

“Yep. What’s that?” She points to the potato salad I’m making.

“Aunt Stacy is making potato salad,” he tells her.

I stop immediately and just look at him. It’s the first time he’s ever referred to me as “Aunt” to Mia.

“What?” he asks when he sees me staring at him.

Kaylee Ryan's books