Assured (Soul Serenade #2)

“But you’re my favorite girl,” I tell her.

Mia gives off a heavy sigh. “Fine, you can haf some.”

I grin and reach for the bowl of noodles only to have my hand smacked away. Logan smirks at me.

It’s not until I see Mia dig her little hands in and flip the noodles around that I understand. Logan is pouring more noodles into a boiling pot; this is Mia’s bowl to “cook” with.

“Wook, Stacy.” Mia holds up two hands full of noodles. “I make skettie.”

“Look at you. You’re doing a great job, Mia.”

“Mia, did I tell you that I bought some new puzzles? I was hoping you would stop by so we could put them together,” Logan tells her.

“Yay!” Mia throws her hand up and slings noodles on Kacen and me.

“Oh, no, now you’re going to get it,” I tell her, raising my hands. “You know what this means, right, Mia?” She’s already giggling so hard she can’t speak and I haven’t even touched her yet.

“The t-tickle mo-monster,” she sputters out.

I quickly stand and gather her under my arm, pretending to fly her around the kitchen. “Attention, passengers, please prepare for a crash tickle landing,” I say in a cheesy announcer voice.

“Unca Cowe!” Mia laughs. I love this little girl.

I take off toward the living room and we do a crash landing on the couch. I immediately let the tickling commence. Mia shrieks and writhes.

“Stop, pwease! Pretty pwease,” she begs.

I stop since she said the magic words. She sits up, catches her breath, and then throws her arms around my neck. “I wuv you, Unca Cowe.”

I’m a man. I like manly things like sports and drinking a few cold ones with the guys. I don’t do relationships and I enjoy female company—lots of it. However, in the presence of my four-year-old niece, I lose my damn man card.

I return her hug. “Love you, too, Mia.”

I hear a throat clearing. Great, busted. I look up to find Stacy standing there, taking in all in. I should be embarrassed, but I’m not. I’m not a monster who is incapable of love; I just choose to have variety in my life instead.

“Dinner’s ready,” she tells us. “Mia, your noodles look delicious,” she adds with a wink. I’m positive that’s her way of telling me that we won’t be eating Mia’s noodles.

“Let’s go munchkin. Time to eat some skettie.” I stand with Mia in my arms and carry her to the kitchen. Logan pulls out a booster seat from the pantry, and I raise my eyebrows in question.

She waves me off. “I like when Mia comes to visit.”

Nothing else is said as I get Mia set up in the chair beside mine and we settle in to eat. Mia drives the conversation. She has the full attention of all six of us.

The last two months have been crazy. Logan and Cassidy, the assistant to the band’s manager, Mr. Jones have been training me. Between the two of them, they have been giving me a crash course on all things in the music industry. I can now see why Kacen didn’t want all this pressure on his pregnant wife—holy shit, there’s a lot to do. The logistics alone are a nightmare. Cassidy assures us that she will be helping from the home office as well.

I’ve managed to avoid Cole and his sexiness. I see him in passing, but never allowing enough time for conversation or flirting. I may be telling him no, but he’s still the one starring in my dreams late at night. Bob, my battery operated boyfriend, and I have become close thanks to Cole Hampton.

“Are you all packed?” I ask Logan.

“Gah! No, I don’t even know how to pack for three months.”

“Tell me about it.”

“Kacen says not to worry about it, that we can buy anything we need. I’m just not used to this, you know?”

“I know, but he’s right. You’re going to need maternity clothes.” I wink.

“Yes.” She holds her arm out. “Pinch me.”

“What?” I laugh at her because she’s lost her damn mind.

“I said pinch me. Is this real? Is this really my life?”

“Yes and yes. Get used to it. That man is never letting you go.”

“Yeah.” She wears a blissful smile that I once again find myself envious of.

“Are you excited for the stop in Ohio?”

“I am. It will be nice to stay in our house there. Get a break from the bus.”

“This is either going to be the best or the worst three months of our lives.”

“I know. I worry, though. What if I hate it? Kacen will never tour again.”

“Just give it a fair shot. Besides, from what I understand, the guys all know this is what Kacen wants. If one wants out, they all do.”

She looks surprised. “You have a good informant.”

“Cole and I had dinner the night you offered me the job. He filled me in on what happens out on the road. That was a part of our conversation.”

“He still trying to get you into his bed?”

“He’s been quiet the last couple of months. My guess is because they’ve been rehearsing like crazy for the tour. Not to mention I’ve been nose-deep trying to learn the ropes.”

Kaylee Ryan's books