Assured (Soul Serenade #2)

Finally, he slows the kiss and rests his head on my shoulder. “Good night, sweet Stacy.” His voice is gruff and low. Reaching behind me, he grabs the handle and pushes open the door.

I turn on shaking legs and dip under his arm. “Night, Cole,” I say softly into the darkness. He doesn’t reply as he shuts the door.

Just like that, the fantasy is over.

Blindly, I find my way to the bed. Climbing in, I burrow under the covers and will sleep to claim me. I lie there in the darkness for what feels like hours before exhaustion finally takes over. However, sleep doesn’t stop the memories of his lips, his body pressed to mine, from appearing in my thoughts.

What was I thinking?

No fucking way I can sleep after that. After cuddling with her, holding her while she slept, kissing her. She affects me like no one before her. I don’t quite know what it means or how to handle it. The entire night is like a movie reel behind my eyes, playing on repeat, and I lie awake, remembering every second over and over again. The sun begins to rise and I feel a ping of excitement that I’ll be seeing her in just a couple of hours. The bus rolls out early, so the quiet house is soon to be bustling with the six of us preparing to leave. Just the thought motivates me to shower and change.

I hesitate in the hall by her door, but make myself keep walking. I find Logan in the kitchen, sitting on the counter while drinking orange juice.

“Morning,” I say, making my way toward the coffeemaker. I need caffeine after my sleepless night.

“Morning. You look tired.”

Logan misses nothing when it comes to us. “Yeah, didn’t sleep the best.”

“That love seat is too small for you,” she scolds me.

“It is,” I agree. “But she was sleeping too peacefully to wake her up.”

She raises her eyebrows, silently questioning me.

“We woke up at some point in the middle of the night. I made sure she got to her room safely and then went to mine.” After I kissed the fuck out of her.

“I see.” She smirks.

I ignore her and continue making coffee. She’s dying to ask me, and I’m actually surprised that she’s being so reserved—everyone knows I’m an open book.

Logan sits on the counter and quietly drinks her juice, which gets to me more than the questioning. “Say it,” I finally spit out, no longer able to handle the silence.

“That’s a first for you,” she replies matter-of-factly.

I don’t bother playing dumb; I know what she means, and it was a first for me. “We were both comfortable, no point in moving.”

“Yeah, I get that. That’s a first in itself, but you hanging out with a girl, just to hang out? That, too, is a first.”

Dammit. “Yeah.”

“And?” she pries for more.

“And what?” I know what she wants, but it’s fun to see her get irritated with me.

“How was it?” she probes.

Finally, the coffee is done. I pour my first cup—straight-up black and strong, just want I need. “I can see the merit,” I answer honestly. This, of course, has Logan beaming.

“That’s not exactly the answer I was expecting.”

“Sorry to disappoint you,” I say mockingly, and she shoves my arm. “Hey now, hot coffee here.”

“I woke up alone.” Kacen literally pouts as he walks into the kitchen. He doesn’t stop until he’s standing in front of Logan and kisses her good morning.

“So, wheels up in, what? An hour?” I ask.

“We’re not flying,” Gavin says, plopping down in a chair at the table.

“I know that, ass munch. It’s a figure of speech.”

“Coffee, I need coffee.” Tristan heads for the coffeepot behind me. I step aside, letting him get his caffeine fix.

“Where’s Stacy?” Kacen asks, his jaw tense.

“I assume she’s in her room, where I left her last night once we both woke up.” I know he’s worried, but he’s got to ease up. I know after last night more than ever that she and I will have our chance. It will be a night to remember for both of us, and it’s going to happen. She’s just too damn sweet.

“Good morning.” That voice belongs to the girl who kept me up last night.

“Hey, you ready for this?” Logan asks her.

“Ready as I’ll ever be. Coffee?” she inquires.

I grab Tristan’s arm and move him to my other side. He’s still half asleep so he doesn’t protest.

“Cream and sugar?” I ask her. She has yet to look at me, but my question forces her to do so.

“Um, no, just black. I can get it.”

Reaching into the cabinet, I pull down another mug. I almost hand her mine, but I don’t think I can take seeing her lips where mine have been—it’s too soon for that. I pour her a cup and hand it to her.

“Thank you,” she says as our fingers touch. I feel that gentle brush of her fingers . . . everywhere.

“The bus will be here in thirty minutes. Everyone packed up?” Kacen asks.

We all nod and mumble our answers. I’m about to spend three months on a tour bus with a girl who tempts me, who has done nothing but occupy my mind for the last several weeks. Who am I kidding—I’ve wanted her since the minute I laid eyes on her.

This should be interesting.

Kaylee Ryan's books