Assured (Soul Serenade #2)

“Yeah, but the intimacy isn’t there.” My cheeks heat as I think of how to get my point across in a way that he might understand. “I want to know that when I fall apart at a man’s touch, that he’s also going to be the one there to catch me when I fall in life, not just in the bedroom. I want a lover and a best friend.”

I watch as he thinks about what I’ve just said. “It’s not something I’ve ever wanted or thought about, really. When I was younger, it wasn’t on my radar because, like most teenage boys, I thought with my cock. Once we signed with the label and released the first album, we kind of blew up overnight. Women were all over us, and I never looked back.”

“That must be lonely.”

“Nah, the variety keeps it interesting.” He wags his eyebrows at me, and I can’t stop the laughter from falling from my lips.

“Okay, funny man, you know that’s not happening. Tell me more about being on the road.” We spend the next two hours sitting in the back booth of Subway, talking about life on tour. Cole is open and honest, just as he said he would be. To my surprise, life on the road is not just one big party.

“Umm, Mr. Hampton—I mean Cole. We’re closing now,” Tommy says from beside us.

This causes me to look at my watch. “It’s late. Sorry for overstaying our welcome.” I smile at Tommy.

He blushes. “No, you didn’t, it’s just time to close.”

“Thanks, man. See you next time.” Cole stands, reaching out for me. This is starting to become a habit, one that I refuse to admit I enjoy. He walks me to my car. “Thanks for eating with me. I hope you take the job.” He tucks a loose piece of hair behind my ear. “It will be good for Logan to have you around.”

He says it will be good for Logan, but the heat in his eyes tells me that he’s not over the idea of the two of us taking a roll in his satin sheets. “I’ll think about it. Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions.”

“Drive safe, sweets.” He opens my door and waits for me to settle in before closing it and tapping twice on the hood.

Slowly, I back out of the lot. In the rearview mirror, I see that he watches me drive away.

I’m sitting on Kacen’s front steps, waiting for Kyle to drop Mia off, when Stacy pulls up. I’ve left her alone these last few days. I know she was trying to make her decision, and me and my cock needed to stay out of that equation. She needed to make the best choice for her, and then I would pick up my game. Logan informed us that she called and asked if she could come over to give us her decision. Now, here she is.

“Do you ever go home?” she asks as she climbs the steps.

I pat the concrete beside me, inviting her to sit. To my surprise, she does. “I go home, but Kacen has a studio here, and we’re rehearsing for the tour,” I remind her.

“Right. So, what are you doing sitting out her all by yourself?”

“Waiting on my niece. My brother-in-law surprised my sister with a weekend away, and I get to watch the munchkin.”

Her mouth falls open as she stares at me.


“You babysit? How old is she?”

“Yes, I babysit. I’m a kick-ass uncle, thank you very much. Mia’s four.”

“You continue to surprise me, Cole Hampton.”

I can tell she’s having a hard time seeing me as a caretaker for a four-year-old little girl. “I’m more than a pretty face with hands that were made to caress the strings of a guitar.” I wink then stand when I see Kyle’s truck pass the gates. Stacy sits quietly on the steps, taking it all in.

“Unca Cowe!” Mia’s little feet fly across the driveway. I bend down just in time to catch her. “My daddy says I get to stay wif you. Hims is takin Mommy on a date.” She grins.

I kiss the top of her head—she’s too fucking cute. “I know, and that means you and I get to have a sleepover all weekend.”

“Yay! Are the boys here?” she asks. I chuckle at her calling my bandmates “boys.”

“Yeah, they’re here. We’re going to hang out for a little bit and then we can go to my place.”

“Here’s her bag. Thanks, man,” Kyle says, setting the pink princess bag at my feet.

“No problem, my man. Enjoy your weekend.”

“Oh, I plan to. Mia needs a baby brother.” He smirks.

“Yes!” Mia exclaims. Suddenly, she notices Stacy sitting on the step. “Who are you?” she asks.

Stacy stands. “I’m a friend of the boys and Logan.”

“Logan! Is she here, Unca Cowe? She always pways wif me.”

“Logan lives here now, so yes, she’s here.”

“Yay! Bye, Daddy.” She leans over and kisses her dad on the cheek.

Kyle just chuckles at his daughter. “Be good, princess. I love you.”

“Bye, Daddy.” Mia smiles and waves.

“All right, little miss, let’s get you inside. Have you had dinner?” I ask her.

“Nope, but Daddy let me have some cookies.” She didn’t need to tell me, as she’s still wearing the evidence.

“Let me guess.” I tap my finger against my chin. “Chocolate chip?”

Mia gasps. “How did you know?” Her eyes are wide with wonder.

“It’s nice to meet you, Mia. I’m Stacy.” She holds her hand out. Mia mimics her and they shake hands.

Kaylee Ryan's books