Assured (Soul Serenade #2)

His plea makes me smile. He loves my best friend fiercely. “Just a couple of days.”

He nods. “Okay. Now, I’m taking my wife upstairs. This is our first night in this house as husband and wife.” He winks as he lifts Logan into his arms and makes good on his words. “You all can hang out or whatever, but don’t plan on seeing us until tomorrow,” he calls over his shoulder.

When Kace called last night to ask my opinion of hiring Stacy to help Logan, I immediately agreed. Each point he made was valid. She’s smart, we know her, and she and Logan would work great together. The teacher thing threw me for a loop, though. It’s weird that he’s thinking that far ahead, but I guess he has to. He’s about to be a father.

Now that I’m sitting here, waiting for her to arrive so Kacen and Logan can pitch the idea, I see that it’s not exactly a great thing for me—or my cock. Stacy working for the band and going on tour is just going to make us tumbling between sheets even more complicated. I’ve ran off an assistant or two in my day, and so have Gavin and Tristan.

I know I should let it go, but that doesn’t sit well with me. I’ve never been one to back away from a challenge. Especially not one with legs for miles, light brown locks that feel like silk, and lips that taste like honey. Fuck, I can still remember how she tastes.

So, yeah, agreeing was not my smartest decision. All lust aside, she’s a nice person, and it would be good for her to be there for Logan with the baby coming and all.

The four of us watch as Kacen carries Logan upstairs. Finally, it’s Gavin who breaks the silence. “Well, I’m headed home. Stace, I hope you accept the offer.” He leans down and kisses her cheek.

I want to reach out and push him away from her. He and Tristan both know I want her. They know better.

“Thanks, Gav,” she replies with a soft smile.

Gav? What the fuck? They have nicknames for each other?

“That’s my vote as well. It’ll be good for you to be there for Logan. We don’t want all that stress on her and the baby. Not to mention the stress Kace will be under. We need you, girl.” Tristan slings his arm over her shoulders and tugs her to him, giving her a hug.

I take a deep breath and exhale slowly. This is . . . different.

That same soft smile graces her lips as she looks up at him. “I’ll think about it.”

“Fair enough.” Tristan turns to look at me. He can read me like a book; I can tell from the smirk he’s now wearing. “Catch you later, C.” I watch as he kisses the top of her head before releasing her.

Thank fuck they’re both gone.

Stacy stares after Tristan. She’s standing still, lost in thought. I quietly move forward until I’m standing right behind her. Reaching out, I gently grab her hips and pull her back against my chest.

“Think of the fun we could have,” I say, my lips next to her ear. Not ten minutes ago, I was trying to talk myself out of this, but . . . I don’t want to.

I can’t.

“Cole.” She breathes my name out, and I want to ask her to say it again. “If I take this job, that’s just another reason why we can’t happen.”

“We’re both consenting adults. We’ve talked about this,” I remind her.

“Yes, we are. I also like to think that I’m rather responsible. Sleeping with the boss doesn’t fall into that category.”

“Technically, Kace is the boss. We all voted him to be the leader of the band. Your salary will be taken out of the royalties, just like ours.” I move her hair to the opposite shoulder and run my nose along the length of her neck. She tilts her head to the side, giving me better access. I don’t even think she realizes that she’s doing it.

“We can’t,” she whispers as I kiss her softly at the base of her neck.

“We can. As long as we both know what the expectations are going in, it will be fine.” I’m not above begging, if that’s what it takes. It’ll be a first for me, but this girl . . . I need her under me.

“I’m not your good-time girl, Cole.”

“It would be, you know?”


“It would be a good time. You can’t deny this electricity that’s between us.”

“No, I’m not trying to. However, acting on it is not a good idea.” She pulls out of my arms, and I miss the feel of her against me. “I’m thinking this might be a great opportunity for me, not to mention I get to work side by side with my best friend. I can’t let my hormones mess that up.”

I can see that war raging behind her eyes. She wants me, but she’s worried. Stacy isn’t like the groupies I’m used to being surrounded with. She needs to come to terms with this, with us. I’ll give her the time she needs, and then I’m going to ruin her for all other men.

“I need to get going.”

Kaylee Ryan's books