Assured (Soul Serenade #2)

“Can we be fwiends?”

Stacy beams at her, and I have to think about anything but her. It’s awkward for your cock to get hard when you’re holding your four-year-old niece.

“I would love that, Princess Mia.”

Stacy reaches down and grabs her bag; I nod my thanks and pull open the door. I motion with my head for Stacy to go in. “Ladies first,” I tell her.

“‘Cause wadies are pwincesses,” Mia adds. I love this little girl.

I catch the grin Stacy is wearing as she slides in front of me and into the house. As soon as I cross the threshold, Mia is squirming to get down. Once her feet hit the floor, she’s making a mad dash for the living room.

“She’s something else,” Stacy says.

“That she is.” I grab her hand and pull her with me into the living room. We get there just in time to watch Kacen intercept Mia before she launches herself at Logan.

“Kacen!” Mia giggles as he tickles her.

Once she settles down, Kacen carries her to the couch and sits next to Logan. “I have a secret,” he says in a quiet voice.

Mia blinks and nods, hanging on his every word.

“Logan and I got married. Did you know that?”

Mia nods that yes, she did know.

“Well, now that we’re married, we get to have a baby.” He points to Logan’s belly.

Mia’s eyes, still wide, stare at Logan’s belly for the longest time. Then she raises her head, her gaze locked on Logan’s. “You have a baby in there?” she whispers.

“I do.” Logan is so fucking happy it radiates from her and Kacen both.

“Wow. I need to tell my mommy and daddy. Daddy said I need a wittle bwother.”

Kacen turns his head, burying his face in his shoulder to keep from laughing.

Mia turns to me. “Unca Cowe, you need to get mawied.”

I grin. “I do?”

She nods. “Uh-huh.

“Why’s that?”

“‘Cause we need more babies.” Her expression tells me that, to her, this is not a joking matter.

I walk to the couch and bend my knees so she and I are eye to eye. “Mia, you only get married if you love the person so very much that you can’t breathe without them. I haven’t found her yet, but when I do, I’ll let you know.” Who am I to crush her dreams that good old Unca Cowe doesn’t have any plans for weddings and babies in his future? My sister would have my balls if I ruined her fantasies about happily ever after.

“Mia, do you think you could help me and Stacy make some dinner? I was thinking spaghetti,” Logan asks her.

“My favowite!” And just like that, she’s jumping off Kacen’s lap and reaching for Stacy’s hand, which surprises all of us. “Do you have a baby in your belly too?” she asks.

“No, sweetie. I’m not married,” Stacy explains gently.

Mia looks up at me, her smile a mile wide. “Unca Cowe, you can marry her.” She stands tall and proud as if she just solved world peace—not that she knows what that is.

I want to tell her that I don’t want to marry the lovely Stacy, but I do ache to burry my cock deep inside her. Instead, I go with, “I’m starving.”

“Skettie!” she cheers and pulls Stacy to the kitchen, Logan trailing behind them.

I’m thankful that her four-year-old brain can switch topics so easily.

“You ready for that, man?” I ask Kacen.

“Hell yes.” No hesitation what so ever.

“Where are Gavin and Tristan?”

“In the studio. Tristan was working on his solo beat. Gav was just hanging out on his phone.”

“Let’s go see what Tristan and his sticks have come up with. Fucking drumming genius.”

“Wait.” He reaches out and grabs my arm. “With the distraction of Mia, I didn’t get to ask Stacy what her answer is. I can’t wait any longer to see if she’s taking the job. I really want it to be her with Logan.” He turns toward the kitchen and I follow behind him.

I’m torn. I want her to take the job—it’s a great opportunity to travel, and she’ll get to do it with her best friend—but I still want to fuck her. Her taking the job is going to make that even more difficult.

“Stacy, you said you made a decision?” Kacen asks.

Lifting her head from the salad she and Mia are making, she smiles softly. “Yeah, I did. I’d like to accept the position. I’m nervous I’ll mess something up, but I’m excited. Thank you for the opportunity, Kacen . . . Cole.” Her eyes lock on mine.

Fuck me, she said yes.

“Unca Cowe, you wanna help?” Mia asks.

I’m just about to tell her that I can’t when Kacen chimes in. “What about me? I’m an excellent cook.” He leans on the counter in front of where Mia is standing on a chair.

“Kace, you funny.” Mia giggles. It’s not until I see Kacen’s face that I understand her laughter. He has a mouth full of cooked spaghetti noodles hanging out of his mouth.

“I thought you were cooking for me?” I ask Mia.

“I not you wife.” She puts her little hand on her hip, and I can see my sister’s attitude shining through.

Kaylee Ryan's books