A McKenzie Christmas (McKenzie Brothers, #5.5)

Rosie shrugged. “Who me? I’m not up to anything.”

She gave up with trying to get up his jeans and settled for running her foot up his leg. As her foot crept closer to his groin his dick perked up and he spread his thighs so she had easy access.

“Are you aroused, baby?” Rosie mumbled, her voice sultry while her foot hovered inches from where he needed to feel her.

“Why don’t you quit teasing, and find out?”

Rosie tipped her head back and gave a throaty laugh. “Oh, you’re aroused. I know without even touching you.”

He groaned and stared at his teasing wife, his eyes narrowed.

“I think,” she stood, “that you need to follow me back to bed.”

Did he have time? Another delivery was due in fifteen minutes.

Fuck it.

He stood and stalked toward Rosie with her come-hither look on her beautiful face.

Before he had a chance to grab her and throw her over his shoulder, she dropped to her knees and started to fiddle with his belt.

His dick lengthened with arousal, even as he said, “Rosie…not here.” It was the view of Rosie on her knees that excited him, and then he nearly dropped his ass to the floor when her wet mouth surrounded the head of his dick.

She was so good at sucking him off and he never lasted more than a minute or two, but fuck, when she took him further inside, he saw stars and tried to pull out.

“No,” Rosie argued, wrapping her fist around him. “I want to suck you before we go ice skating.” She smirked, and pulled back to the base of his dick.

As he looked down, the head bulged and dripped with precum, but the sight, and then the feel of her tongue on him, sent a bolt of pleasure through his system. Her fingers pressed between his legs while she massaged his sac with her palm, her other hand tightened around him while she quickly jerked and sucked him off.

His hands tangled in Rosie’s hair and as he watched her head bob back and forth on his shaft, he couldn’t hold on anymore. She excited him too much.

Ruben groaned, and warned, “Rosie, I’m gonna come.”

She grunted in acknowledgment before he slipped further and that was all it took before he came down her throat. He tried not to thrust and choke her, but she wouldn’t let up and finally, she settled on cleaning his release from his spent dick.

On her knees, Rosie grinned up at him as his dick started to swell with new arousal. He chuckled, yanked his jeans up before he pulled his wife into his arms.

He sealed their mouths together and let their tongues caress with the love they shared. He couldn’t get enough, but as Rosie broke the kiss, it suddenly hit him what she’d said.

“Ice skating?”

Rosie chuckled. “I wondered when what I said would register.”

“Now, babe. You know I love you, but I’ll only embarrass you.” He kissed her lips and tried to back her into the bedroom.

She slipped out from his arms as he watched her move quickly to the door and started to pull on her jacket and boots. “Ruben, you know how much I love the winter months with snow and ice skating.” She grinned. “And you won’t embarrass me at all.”

Could he put on skates without looking like an ass? He had no balance and would always end up with one injury or another when he’d go on his skateboard as a kid. His brothers used to tease the fuck out of him.

Rosie stood in front of him with his own jacket and hat in her hands. “Humor me. If, when we get there, you really don’t want to go on the ice, then we can just walk around the park and the Christmas market, drinking hot chocolate.” And she smiled the smile she knew he could never resist. “I even talked Scott into coming in today to look after the deliveries that you’re expecting, and,” she rushed on, “you know that Scott knows what he’s doing. He’s done it on more than one occasion. So Mr. Control-Freak, you have most of the day off.” She grinned and he could tell that she really wanted him with her. How the hell could he refuse? He couldn’t.

He smiled to let her know he was really okay with her sneakiness. “I love you.” He slapped a hard kiss to her lips, grabbed his jacket and hat from her hands and moved to the door. Over his shoulder he asked, “Coming?”

Rosie cocked a brow and smirked. “Not yet, but I will be tonight.”

He raised a brow and grinned. “Wife, if you want to go to this place you have your heart set on, I suggest you keep those ideas to yourself for now.”

She giggled and jumped into his arms. “I love you. Let’s go.”