A McKenzie Christmas (McKenzie Brothers, #5.5)

He wanted to say yes, but he couldn’t dance. Two left feet made sure of that. But as he looked at Rosie, he knew what his answer would be.

Ruben smiled, kissed her lips and led her to the dance floor. The minute his feet hit the dance area, the music changed. He didn’t roll his eyes, but he did chuckle when Ed Sheeran’s Thinking Out Loud, came blaring through Kenza. Rosie loved to dance around their apartment with the broom to that song.

Rosie had always felt right in his arms, against his body and as he held her close, their foreheads together, he found it difficult to imagine life without her in it. She was beautiful, not just on the outside, but inside as well. Her heart was big, which caused great frustration for him, on occasion. Once she had an idea nothing could sway her off course.

He swept the imaginary hair from her face and dipped down to kiss her. He often struggled to walk past her without a quick taste of her lips.

“Mmm. I think someone’s hoping to get lucky, later,” Rosie nuzzled against him, and sighed in pleasure as her hand landed on his ass.

Groaning, Ruben replied, “If you keep doing that we’re going to be getting it on sooner rather than later.”

She teased more and rubbed against his awakening cock. “I have this fantasy,” Rosie started, and smiled when Ruben shuddered against her. “Of you being naked, and tied to your office chair.” She nibbled his lobe, and trailed her tongue along his jaw. Her hand caressed along his spine to his ass. “Mmm, so hot.”

His wife loved to tease him, and she always got his motor running. He was hard as steel inside his pants, which she knew.

Breathing heavily, he met her gaze, and changed the subject before he embarrassed himself in the middle of his club, “We need to talk more about what kind of house we’re looking for.” They’d only talked about contacting a realtor recently, but then he discovered the house that Rosie loved had been put on the market. So, he had plans, but he had to keep it from his wife, just a little bit longer.

“I know.” She kissed his chest. “We can discuss that in your office, and play afterwards. Although I’ll probably imagine you naked, and what I’m going to do to you the whole time.”

Ruben narrowed his eyes. “Babe, you won’t last long enough to do too much to me.”

Wasn’t that the truth? They both had a hunger for the other and patience wasn’t something they’d managed to learn, yet.

“You want to talk now?” Ruben asked, impatient to get to the tied to a chair part of the evening.

“In a few minutes,” Rosie mumbled into his neck. “I love being in your arms on the dance floor. We don’t do this enough.”

Her comment reached him where it hurt. He hated dancing—he had no rhythm. Before their wedding, he’d had lessons with Rosie and he’d managed not to make an idiot of himself, but in Kenza the music was different. The patrons of the club loved the music and came back, week after week, for more. It just wasn’t something he ever felt brave enough to try until Rosie.

The slower song was easy to sway to with his love in his arms. No one would know that Rosie led or that he wanted to make love to his wife with desperation only she brought out in him.

If he didn’t stop thinking with his cock, he’d be as bad as his brother, Sebastian. Ruben wasn’t sure his brother would ever grow up.

While he thought of the quickest way to get his wife off the dance floor, he felt Rosie’s body grow heavy and lethargic. He gazed down in to her eyes and knew that she was getting sleepy in his arms. He could try and curb the lust he always felt for her. Couldn’t he?

“Rosie?” he whispered against her ear.


He grinned. “You mean to tell me you’ve gotten me all worked up and you’re about to fall asleep?”

She groaned. “In five seconds I’m about to be asleep on my feet.”

“I know.” He sighed, but a grin split his face. She was his and if she was tired, he’d wait until morning.

He kissed her brow before he picked her up in his arms. “Your shift is over, babe.”

Her arms slipped around his neck. “I love you.”

As he strolled toward the stairs that led to their apartment, he whispered against her lips. “I love you, too.” His lips quickly descended, and she fell asleep in the warmth of his embrace.

His wife had a smirk on her face, which told him she was up to something. But what? She’d fallen asleep on her feet the previous night, and he’d been up to accept a delivery before she’d woken. He’d come back upstairs, but Rosie had already been showered and dressed because he’d taken longer than usual downstairs.

She’d placed his breakfast in front of him with a steaming mug of coffee and took her seat opposite. For the past five minutes she’d sat and watched him eat, and it killed him to carry on as normal when he itched to laugh and give in to her.

It wasn’t until he felt her foot beneath the leg of his jeans that he finally cracked and grinned. “Okay, babe. You win. What are you up to?”