A McKenzie Christmas (McKenzie Brothers, #5.5)

He moved on unsteady legs to drop his ass onto the chair. He sat and waited, his legs spread when he saw the silk ties in her hand.

She walked closer on her high heels, and straddled his thighs. Her breasts were nearly eye level, and as she bent slightly to fasten one of his wrists lightly to the back of the chair, he caught a nipple in his mouth and sucked hard. Her body shuddered, her * rubbed against the length of him, and it took a great deal of strength to not impale her.

Rosie quickly fastened his other wrist to the chair. Both her hands went to his shoulders and held on while she used her wet * to rub back and forth against his rigid length. He was so hard that the veins popped; his dick tingled and dripped with precum…he couldn’t stop. Her breasts rubbed against his face. He could hardly catch his breath with all his senses on overload.

“You’re killing me,” he moaned.

Rosie tipped his head back and smiled down at him. “I love you.” She kissed her way from his lips, along his neck, chest, and abs. Reaching his navel, she dropped to her knees with a kiss to the crown of his dick.

With a silk tie, Rosie teased. The silk trailed over him like a caress, which caused him to arch up. His cock was on fire and pulsed with a life of its own. She hadn’t finished with the teasing though, and tickled down his legs to his ankles where she tied them to the legs of the chair.

If he wanted to, he wouldn’t have a problem getting out of them, but it drove him nuts being tied down while she had her way with him.

“You look so…aroused,” she smiled, sitting back on her heels, “that I don’t know where to touch you first.”

He didn’t miss the glint of amusement that flashed in her eyes. She knew where he wanted her touch, which meant she’d leave that until last. He could growl in frustration or beg, she could take her pick.

“You know what I want,” he said.

“Hmm, and for once, I think you’re going to get your wish because I’m so wet and the need to taste you is making me throb”

“Rosie,” he let out a tortured moan, which turned into a gasp when she reached out and massaged his balls. Her fingers spread and rubbed between his legs while his cock pulsed with his release close. When he started to pant, she released him, and smirked.

“As much as I love watching your release leave your body, I want to ride you.”

“Fuck, Rosie. I so want this, but fuck me…you have me close. And I mean close.”


She tickled up from his feet, along his thighs that trembled under her touch and finally gripped his shaft. Her head dipped as he braced himself for the feel of her mouth. He hadn’t lied about being close, and he was afraid he wouldn’t be able to control the urge to come.

“Gentle,” he hissed, and groaned when her tongue licked and swirled around the sensitive head. “Hard and I’ll come.” She took him into the warm recesses of her mouth and he couldn’t control his hips as they thrust up at the feeling. His movement was limited with the silk ties, which would soon be ripped free.


Rosie loved having Ruben’s cock in her mouth. Although he was rock hard with arousal, he was smooth apart from the vein that pulsed. As she pulled back to the tip and swirled her tongue around to catch the precum tricking out of his slit, she moaned.

She knew that her husband loved being restrained because it heightened his pleasure, which he’d discovered with only her. He’d spent most of his life being the one doing the restraining, but it had worked both ways with them for a while.

Once Ruben started grinding up into her mouth, she knew it was time to finish him, but not unless she rode him. With one last suck, she let him slip from her mouth before licking her way up his torso.

Back on her feet, she straddled him, and lowered herself on his cock. Her mouth hovered over Ruben’s and their gasp of pleasure ended up being locked between them.

His hands were finally free, and he gripped her hips. “I need you to move,” he growled, and started rocking her on him. She was so wet and swollen that her * gripped his cock and tried to hold on to him when he pulled back. He was stronger though, and as his mouth dipped and tugged a nipple into his mouth, she rippled and convulsed over him as he started to shoot his release inside her. The strong pulls of her channel milked more out of him, and caused his dick to twitch and release until they were spent.

“Fuck, babe,” he finally gasped, “I seriously didn’t think I’d last to get inside you.”

“I didn’t think you would either.” She slipped her arms around his neck and held him tightly. “I love you,” she whispered. “So much.”

He gulped a few times as she watched him become overwhelmed with emotion. She knew how much he loved her and until she’d crashed into his life he hadn’t been looking for love, but now he had it forever. They both did.