A McKenzie Christmas (McKenzie Brothers, #5.5)

“Ruben, look outside,” Rosie shouted, her voice sharp with excitement.

He knew without looking through the window that it had obviously been snowing hard because his wife was obsessed with the snow. Just an inch of the white powder and she instantly became a child. She loved to be outdoors in the stuff. He liked it at first, but after a few weeks of freezing his ass off, or de-icing the cars and clearing the sidewalk around Kenza, he would have had enough.

His wife made him enjoy it again.

As a child, he’d lived outdoors no matter what season they were in, and so did his brothers. They’d get up to trouble on occasion, but he wouldn’t exchange his memory of that time for anything.

“Ruben, did you look?” Rosie bounced into the bedroom where he’d just finished getting dressed.

He chuckled and caught her in his arms. “Not yet,” he answered as he bent down and captured her lips. “I take it there is more snow on the ground?” He raised a brow.

“And then some.”

He groaned. A heavy snowstorm hadn’t been forecasted but, then again, he’d been preoccupied with his sexy wife last night.

“I think you need to stay home and cuddle up with me. I’ll make us some hot chocolate.” She smiled.

He didn’t want to refuse such a tempting offer, but he had to finalize her Christmas present. He just didn’t know how to refuse her without having to lie. The last thing he wanted was to tell her what he was up to. He guessed he could tell her part truth. “I can’t, babe. Even though I haven’t had breakfast yet, your offer is tempting, but I have to go pick up your present today.”

“Present?” Her eyes sparkled with pleasure.

He laughed. “Yes.” He kissed her quickly. “Before you get the wrong idea, I already have some things stashed away that you won’t be able to find.” He knew she’d be rooting around as soon as he left. “But I had to, um, order the last thing.” Okay that was a stretch, but he didn’t want her to think he’d forgotten because the present he was finalizing had been ongoing for about six weeks. He only hoped that he had it in him to wait until Christmas Eve to give her the present.

Chapter 4

Lucien & Sabrina

Lucien sat in the dark of his bedroom and watched his wife and child sleep. He still couldn’t believe that he was married and had a soon-to-be three month old son, Alexander.

Until he was left scarred, he used to want a woman to call his own, but he never thought that would be possible. Sabrina had other ideas though. He smiled remembering their encounters before he finally sampled her. Just one taste and he’d been in trouble, and no matter how much he pushed her away, she went back to him, until that last time when he’d gone to her.

They’d made a home in Colorado, but he missed his family and he knew that both of Alexander’s grandmothers missed them and their new grandson. He’d thought a lot about it during the past month that they’d been back. He hadn’t mentioned anything to Sabrina, but he was almost certain that he wanted to move back to Lexington. They both loved the house that they lived in, but he’d be able to find them something similar around his family. He was sure of it. And if he couldn’t, he would build it.

He was tired of thinking. He was tired of watching over his family at night, the way he had been. Sabrina had no idea that he spent most of the night watching them both sleep. She’d be upset if she knew. She was aware that something was wrong because he couldn’t hide his fatigue from her. He’d yet to admit to his fear that he’d wake up one day and it would all have been a dream. He knew that would kill him.

His wife didn’t miss anything though, and she’d soon be calling him on it. He watched as she rolled over in the large bed they shared, and searched for him in her sleep. Of course, she came up empty. “Lucien?” she whispered, her voice husky with sleep.

He quickly stood, climbed back into the bed, and pulled her into his arms. “I’m right here. It’s early. Go back to sleep.” He kissed her forehead and held her as she fell back to sleep—and he soon followed her.

Sabrina knew that something bothered her husband. She’d caught him watching over their son and herself while they slept. Until that morning, she’d always pretend to be asleep, but she couldn’t watch him do that anymore. She didn’t doubt his love for her or Alexander, and she hoped he didn’t doubt hers for him.

He was a wonderful father and husband, and he’d only settle if she was in the room with him. It was as though he was afraid she’d disappear. She had no intention of doing that.

She’d wanted to broach the subject with him, but she wasn’t sure he was ready for her questions or if she was ready for his answer. All she knew was that he had to stop because the fatigue was clear on his face.