The Belial Stone (The Belial Series)





Yoni leapt away from the transformer. The explosion blasted through the metal casing, sending shrapnel in every direction and a fireball straight up.


A wave of heat blew over him and he rolled farther from the flames. The site was pitched into darkness.


Yoni pulled out his M4 as silence descended and all work stopped. He imagined the guards, looking around, trying to figure out what had just happened.


Gunfire broke through the silence. Yoni got to his knees, ready to join the fight.


“Shit,” he yelled as gunfire peppered the ground behind him. He dove behind the wreckage of the transformer. The guards had recouped faster than he’d expected. He looked up at the gun tower and saw the sparks of light that the shooters set off with each shot.


“Shit,” he groaned again, struggling to figure out a way to avoid the enemy, who had the higher ground.


“Yoni, get down!” Jordan dropped to a knee and sent a surface-to-air missile into the guard tower.


“Shit!” Yoni threw himself to the ground, covering his head as a shower of tower debris rained around him.


Jordan ran over, pulling him to his feet.


Yoni slapped at a small fire that had started on his sleeve. “Next time, send the debris inside okay?”


Jordan took a shot at a guard that appeared in the enclosure’s entryway. “Sorry about that, Yoni.”


A second explosion at the other guard tower drew Yoni’s attention.


Yoni slapped Jordan on the shoulder and gestured to the smoldering ruins of the other tower. “Learn something new every day. Both surface-to-air missiles and grenade launchers are effective at taking out guard towers.”


Jordan’s reply was cut off as a conveyance of ten guards appeared behind them. Jordan yanked Yoni to the ground.


Bullets whistled above their heads. They scrambled for the cover of the destroyed transformer. Yoni switched the M4 to automatic and let loose a spray of bullets. The guards ran for cover.


He turned to Jordan with a grin. “So, how do you think the assault's going so far?”