The Belial Stone (The Belial Series)





Henry crouched low to the ground, using some debris from one of the destroyed towers as a barrier. He’d helped clear the area of guards and was going in for one last sweep. Almost a hundred yards away, he saw a group of Kensington’s guards pulling away in a Suburban. They were too far away to reach.


He quickly made his way to his ammunition stash, hidden to the left of the enclosure entrance. He pulled out the surface to air launcher and lined the truck up in his sights as it sped from the enclosure. Pulling the trigger, he watched the plume of smoke trail the missile as it zeroed in on the truck.


The impact flipped the truck, sending it flying twenty feet into the air. It crashed down to earth in a ball of fire, just like the other surface-to-air missile had done to the Jeep at the Chandler headquarters.


“That’s for my men,” he whispered.


Dropping the empty canister, he reached for his gun. A man collapsed onto his back with a shriek. From the smell, he could tell the man was a captive, not a guard.


“Bring him over here,” another man yelled. Henry looked up to see two more inmates a few feet to his left.


Henry let the man pull him over to the other two. “Look, I’m not one of the guys who put you here. I’m one of the guys who set you free.”


“Well, right now, I don’t really care.” The man’s face had been horribly scarred from burns that looked recent. “I’m owed payback and it looks like you’re going to give it to me.”


Henry was about to reply when he was distracted by the sight of a car pulling up in front of the enclosure. The glow of the fires around the enclosure and the breaking dawn provided enough light for Henry to identify the man getting out of the car.


It was Gideon.


“Hey, man, I’m talking to you,” the inmate yelled, accentuating his point with a right hook to Henry’s ribs. Henry’s body shifted only a little with the punch, but the man now had his undivided attention.