The Belial Stone (The Belial Series)





Jake flattened himself against the enclosure wall with an upturned sifter table in front of him for cover. He reloaded his M4. Leaning around the table, he caught sight of Yoni entering the enclosure and let loose a spray of cover fire.


Yoni sprinted across the dig site to him. He dove over the table and landed in a heap next to him.


Yoni quickly righted himself as Jake ducked back behind the table.


“So, how’s it going in here?” Yoni asked.


Jake spared him a grin. “Oh, great. We’ve got a bunch of armed ex-cons who don’t seem to realize that we’re the good guys and Kensington’s security appears to be endless. How’s it going outside?”


“Henry and Jordan did their part. They took out all the guard towers and most of the guards around the perimeter. And Patrick got to Laney and Tom.”


“Are they clear?”


“Well, they’re no longer in the cage,” Yoni replied cheerfully.


Jake groaned. “Please, tell me they’re not joining the fight.”


“What do you think?”


A string of bullets slammed into the top of table, cutting off his reply. Jake flung himself at the ground. Beside him, Yoni did the same. The barrage of bullets halted as gunfire erupted from a different direction across the enclosure.


Jake glanced out. Laney had pinned down the shooters. A slim black man rose up behind the two guards and took both of them out.


Yoni peered over his shoulder. “Personally, I’m okay with them joining the fight.”