The Belial Stone (The Belial Series)





Laney jolted awake, trying to figure out what had pulled her from her sleep. Tom was sitting up next to her.


“Tom, what’s going on?”


“I don’t know. There was a loud noise and then the place just went dark.”


Gunfire rang out and an arc of light shot through the sky. The guard tower nearest them exploded. Scrambling to her feet, Laney turned to Tom. “It’s Jake!”


Tom had jumped to his feet at the sound of the gunfire. He pulled Laney and Seeley to the side, just as a group of inmates charged for the gate.


Above the yelling, Laney thought she heard a voice calling her name. She looked around, but couldn’t see anyone amongst the mass of bodies rushing to the exit. Then she saw a man pushing against the tide, fighting to get into the enclosure. “Uncle Patrick!”


Patrick’s eyes looked up and caught Laney’s. He fought through the swarm of bodies and reached her, pulling her into a tight hug.


“Laney,” he breathed.


Tears rolled down her cheeks.


Patrick pulled back and took the shotgun from across his back, loaded it, and handed it to her. “We need to get going.”


She nodded and reached out to grab Tom’s hand. “Where’s Jake?”


“He’s in the enclosure.” Patrick gestured beyond the gate as he handed a handgun to Tom. “You must be Tom.”


Tom nodded., holding onto Seeley’s waist to keep him upright. “And this is Seeley,”


Patrick looked at the injured man, his face expressionless, but Laney saw the sympathy dart across his eyes. “Let’s get out of here.”


Following Patrick, they headed to the gate. A noise behind her caused her to glance back. Two guards were coming up on the back side of the enclosure.


“Look out!” Tom threw himself on top of Laney as the guards opened fire on the cage.


Gunfire whistled through the air above them. Tom rolled off Laney. She and Patrick grabbed onto Seeley’s arms. They pulled him along the ground to the gate as Tom crawled behind them. Suddenly, the gunfire stopped. Laney turned and saw a group of inmates had jumped the guards. They began to kick and stomp on the guards in a mad frenzy.


She turned away and scrambled to her feet.


Patrick pulled Seeley to his feet and carried him out of the cage with a fireman’s lift. Laney and Tom ran behind him and over to the open storage truck used to transport the men.


Crouching low, Laney checked her shotgun. “What’s the plan?”


Patrick lay Seeley gently on the ground. “Henry and Jordan’s assault groups are keeping any additional guards at bay, while Yoni and Jake enter the enclosure with an additional assault team and clear it. I’m supposed to get you clear.”


An explosion from inside the enclosure rocked the walls. A chorus of screams rolled over them.


Laney looked at Tom and he nodded. “Sorry, Uncle Patrick. But we’re not leaving this fight.”


Laney could tell Patrick wanted to argue with her. She cut in before he had the chance to speak. “Can you get Seeley to safety?”


Patrick looked at the man on the ground and a group of Kensington’s men’s heading for one of the Suburban’s to escape. “I’ll take him to some of the men, and have them get him out of here. I’ll find you in the enclosure.”


With a nod, she and Tom turned to leave when Patrick’s words stopped her.


“Delaney McPhearson.” She turned to face him. “Don’t make me come save you again.”


“You got it, Uncle,” she said with a smile. And then with a deep breath, she and Tom sprinted for the enclosure gate.