The Belial Stone (The Belial Series)





It was just before dawn as the assault team crept towards the enclosure. They had broken into two groups of fifteen men. The first group, led by Henry, took out the truck patrols. The second group, led by Jake, hightailed it to the enclosure.


Patrick watched behind him for the first group to join them. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw them appear from the darkness. Together, the two groups advanced on the enclosure. So far they’d been lucky. They hadn't encountered any guards. They must all be at the compound itself.


Patrick’s pulse quickened as the enclosure came into view. A wind blew towards them, bringing the scent of body odor and death. The thought of Laney being held in there chilled him to the bone. He gripped his Glock more securely. He would get her out. Nothing was going to stand in his way.


He nearly tripped as he counted the guards at the site. They seemed to have tripled in number. He shoved aside the doubts that tried to crowd his mind. They would succeed. They would get Laney and Tom out of there.


Patrick watched Yoni move towards the transformer, using the shadows as cover. Almost time. In one minute, Yoni would blow the transformer and back-up generator. The darkness and chaos would, hopefully, provide the assault team with enough time to subdue most of the guards.


Patrick crawled up next to Jake. Making the sign of the cross, he said a little prayer for the upcoming assault. He hoped that Gideon was nowhere nearby. This was going to be tough enough without that obstacle.


He looked over at the sleeping cage where Laney slept. He had to hold himself back from springing for it.


Jake reached over and grasped Patrick’s shoulder. “It’s okay, Patrick. We’ll get her out.”


Patrick looked into Jake’s eyes and read the commitment there. Jake would not let Laney be harmed. He was as determined to get her out as he was.


He nodded. “Yes, we will. And Tom, too.”


The radio beeped and Yoni’s voice called out softly. “Ready to go. All teams in place?”


The teams all called in their affirmatives.


Yoni counted down. “Darkness in 3, 2, 1.”