The Belial Stone (The Belial Series)





Kensington arrived at the dig site just before five a.m. He’d been awoken by his aid thirty minutes ago. At first, he’d yelled at the man for interrupting his sleep. When he’d found out that Priddle had called from the dig site and wanted him out there, he’d yelled at the man for not waking him sooner.


Ignoring the workers who crossed his path, he strode through the enclosure entrance and towards the RV. Not bothering to knock, he threw open the door and climbed in.


The brightness of the trailer was blinding. Once his eyes adjusted, he focused on Priddle, who was sitting at the table, a jeweler’s monocle to his eye.


“You’ve found it?” he asked eagerly.


Priddle looked up and smiled. “Yes, sir. In site twenty-one, just like I predicted.”


“Let me see it.” He demanded, moving to sit opposite Priddle at the table, careful not to jar his injured arm.


Priddle placed the jeweler’s loupe on the table and handed over the crystal. Kensington took it reverently.


“It’s warm,” he said with surprise.


Priddle nodded. “I’ve done some preliminary readings and the heat seems to be generated by constant vibrations within the stone.


“Is it a form of acoustic resonance?”


Priddle couldn’t conceal his surprise. Kensington bristled at the look. These academics always thought they were the only ones with a brain.


“Actually, I think it is. The readings I’ve conducted so far suggest that the energy stored in this small crystal is immense. I’m not an expert in this area, but I’d say you’ve found an incredible source of renewable energy in this stone.”


Kensington held up the stone. “You’ve done well. With this stone, America will achieve its greatest heights.” And I will lead them there, he thought smugly. This was proof that he was destined to lead. This stone was put here for him to find, and to help bring America back to its former greatness.


Priddle glanced behind the Senator. “Will Mr. Gideon be joining us?”


“No,” the Senator said firmly, still staring into the crystal. “Mr. Gideon is no longer a part of this project.”