The Belial Stone (The Belial Series)





The living room was a buzz of activity as they made the final preparations for the assault. Jake finished packing the ammunition into his bag. Yoni was working on the assault team’s communications. Patrick was familiarizing himself with the weapons they would be using, and Henry was reviewing the plan, adjusting as he saw necessary.


Jake tested the pack for weight. Good. He glanced over at Patrick.


The news that Laney was at the compound had given Patrick a renewed determination. If anyone got between Patrick and his goal of saving Laney, God help them -- although Jake liked to think that with the Father on their team, God wasn’t going to be helping the other side much.


Even without divine intervention, though, he had a feeling that Father Patrick was not a man that you crossed easily. Much like his niece.


Jake’s thoughts darkened when he thought of Laney being caught in the middle of the fight tonight. It wasn’t that she was female – Jake had worked with plenty of women in the military, and he knew they were more than capable of handling themselves. And he’d seen Laney’s skills first-hand. There was just something about Laney that made him want to protect her.


And then there was Tom. What kind of condition would he be in? Was he even still alive? If he was would he still be after the assault?


Jake shook his head, clearing it of doubts. He needed to focus on the plan, and in a few hours, he’d have both of them safely out.