Where I Belong

He’s in my bed.

It wasn’t a dream.

His breath blows across my forehead, his legs tangling with mine under the covers. It’s real. I reach up and brush my finger down his nose, seeing his lip twitch slightly. I run my finger over the tattoo that covers his shoulder, tracing over the outline of the design. It’s beautiful. The way the colors blend together, the way it stretches down his arm and over his muscles. It’s a scene of objects and quotes, but certain ones stand out. Nolan is etched on his skin in the handwriting of a child. It’s the sweetest thing, and I trace over it several times with the tip of my finger. Ben stirs underneath me as my finger runs up and over the police shield that is on his upper arm, the words Honor The Fallen in bold ink standing out on his tanned skin. I run over the words several times as my mind drifts. How many fallen men did Ben know? He doesn’t have the safest job, and the thought of him being in danger is enough to make me want to hold on to him forever and not let him out of my sight. If something happened to him… no. I can’t go there. He stirs underneath me again and the feel of his finger brushing down my nose brings my attention up to his face.

“Hey.” I press my lips to his chest and rest my chin on my hand. His eyes seem brighter in the morning, almost as if there is a light shining behind them. His hair is a bit messy and he’s rocking the perfect amount of stubble. I could get used to morning Ben. I run my finger down his nose and he catches it, bringing it to his lips.

“I like it better when you’re not trying to sneak out on me in the morning.” He rolls over onto his side, running his hand down my arm. “You looked like you were stuck in that pretty little head. What’s going on?”

I glance from his tattoo back to him. “Have you ever been shot at?” He raises his eyebrows, seemingly unprepared for that type of question. I trace over the words underneath his shield again. “I mean, your job’s really dangerous, isn’t it?”

“Sometimes. But I’ve never been put in a situation like that. Luke got shot in the leg a couple years ago.” My eyes widen and he shakes his head at my worried stare. “The bullet barely grazed his shin, but when he tells the story, he almost died. I’m pretty sure his version has gotten him laid on more than one occasion.” His hand grips my hip tightly and he pulls me against him. His eyes darken to a devious shade as I become aware of his need for me. Very aware. “Is my girl worried about me?” he asks, rolling on top of me and settling his body between my legs.

“Yes.” I wrap my legs around his waist, lifting up my pelvis to grant him access.

He enters me slowly, groaning and dropping his forehead to mine. “Don’t be.” He kisses my lips once, then once more. “Nothing could take me away from you. You’ve got me, baby. This is where I belong. Right here.” He braces himself on his hands, thrusting into me deeply. “Christ, there’s nothing like this.” His voice is strained, his eyes focused on my face, gently caressing my features as he moves inside me.

“Ben.” I reach up and stroke his cheek. The connection we share is so strong, so undeniable. I never want to break it. He’s so familiar to me. Being with Ben feels like being home. And I can’t imagine my life without this man in it. But after the summer is over, what will we have? Will it all just be how this thing between us started out? A beautiful memory that was never meant to last? I can’t imagine how difficult leaving him is going to be, so I don’t think about it. I don’t allow unwanted thoughts to pull me out of this moment with him. I just focus on him.

“Oh God. You feel so good.” I moan, lifting my mouth to his. My legs grip him tighter; my arms holding our bodies together like a taunt rubber band. I need every part of him touching me. I can’t get close enough. I’ll never get close enough.

His hips crash against mine as his hands brace my ankles on his shoulders, tilting my pelvis to that delicious angle. I reach above me and press my hands flat against the headboard, forcing him deeper. Meeting his every thrust. That familiar pull is already building in my core and I watch mesmerized by the way the muscles of his upper body contract with each thrust.

He runs his eyes down my body and settles right where he’s entering me. “Touch yourself for me,” he demands with both his tone and his eyes that are daring me to refuse him.

I slide my hand down my body and stop when my fingertips feel the hard edge of his cock sliding in and out of me. “Oh my God. I’m so wet.”

“F*cking right you are. God, Mia. I’ve never wanted anything as much as I want this. I’ll never get enough, baby.” He continues to drive into me while I rub against my soaked *. We find a rhythm, my two fingers circling while he f*cks me and I suddenly feel drugged with pleasure. At some point he wraps my legs back around his waist but I don’t even register it happening. I’m lost. Completely lost in the feel of him. Just him.

“I’m close,” I pant, seeing a sly smile form on his wet lips.

“You think I don’t know that?” He presses his thumb against my fingers and begins moving with me, directing the tempo. I reach up with my free hand and grip his neck, pulling his face down to mine. Our mouths tangle in a brutal kiss and I feel his air fill my lungs.

We are in that moment together, so completely in tune with each other that neither one of us hears the door creaking open.

“Daddy. I can’t get dis off.” Nolan’s husky voice causes me to gasp and Ben to curse under his breath. The orgasm that is about to rip my body apart quickly evaporates. I look over at Nolan, seeing a cupcake in his hand and his face covered in green icing. His big gray eyes dart between me and his father. “What arwe you doing wiff Pwincess Mia?”

I cover my face with my hand and try to contain my hysterics while Ben slides off me, keeping his back to Nolan. I pull the sheet up to my neck. “Buddy, can you go wait for me on the couch? I’ll be right there.”

But Nolan isn’t having that. Instead of leaving the room, he climbs up onto the bed, causing Ben to let out a string of muffled curse words as he tries to keep his erection hidden. My entire body is shaking with my laughter as Nolan holds the cupcake out to me, completely unaffected by his father’s struggles. “Can you take dis paper off?” His dimpled grin hits me, along with his crooked smile.

I smile back at him, taking the cupcake and pulling off the wrapper. “Are you having cupcakes for breakfast, Sir Nolan?” I guess this is my fault. I completely forgot to put all the treats away that I purchased yesterday before I stormed off to bed. But in my defense, I was more concerned with offending Ben with my tits than putting sugary snacks out of the reach of little hands.

Side note: He’s definitely not offended by my tits.

He nods quickly and takes his cupcake back. I anticipate him leaving, but no, Nolan has other plans. He crawls toward me and wiggles between Ben and me, flopping down onto my pillow. “Were you and Daddy kissing?”

I look quickly over at Ben, seeing him sliding on his boxers underneath the covers. He winks at me, giving me the go ahead to answer how I want to answer. I turn my body toward Nolan and prop up on my hand, making sure to keep myself completely covered. “I was kissing your daddy. When two people really care about each other, they usually kiss.” My eyes meet Ben’s again. “A lot.”

J. Daniels's books