Where I Belong

Mia laughs softly below me, stretching her body out on the bed. “I thought you said you weren’t going to be gentle with me? I don’t want sweet, romantic, Benjamin Kelly right now.”

I cock my head at her and she smiles. “You’ll take what I give you.” I pull my belt off and drop my pants and boxers, stepping out of both. “I can f*ck you and tell you how crazy I am about you. I’m very capable of making you scream and worshipping you at the same time.” I am about to spread my body on top of hers when she sits up unexpectedly and grabs my cock. Her eyes are blazing, filled with a stark need. I groan deep in my throat and stop her hand from moving. “F*ck, baby. I know you want to play right now, but I’m too damn wound up for that. I’m not coming in your hand and if you touch me anymore, that’s exactly what’s going to happen.”

She arches her brow at me. So playful and seductive at the same time. “I was hoping you’d come in my mouth.”

Ah hell. My dirty little angel never ceases to amaze me. I stroke along her bottom lip with my thumb. “Baby, soon, very soon I will f*ck this pretty little mouth. But right now, I need to be inside you. I need to feel you around me.” And then my world collapses in on itself. F*cking motherf*cker. I squeeze my eyes tight and step back out of her needy grasp.

“What is it?”

What the f*ck? I run my hands down my face and curse under my breath. “I was not at all anticipating this happening between us for a while. I honestly thought it would take a lot longer for you to see that I’m not a complete dickhead anymore and let me anywhere near your body.” I drop my hands and meet her puzzled face. She has no idea what I am getting at. “I don’t have any condoms with me. And I’m not searching the house for them because that’s just f*cking weird. Please tell me you have some.”

Her face falls in disappointment. “No, I don’t. You don’t have any in your truck?”

Her optimism is adorable. I shake my head and rake my hand through my hair roughly. “No. Nolan likes to snoop around in there and I’m always afraid he’s going to find one and think it’s a damn balloon or something.”

She giggles and pulls her knees up to her chest. I’m about to tell her that we don’t have to have sex tonight, that I’d be completely content with just holding her, because I would, when suddenly she drops the playful demeanor and looks at me with a fierce passion. “You know I’ve only been with you,” she says, her voice dropping to a soft purring sound. “And I’m on birth control, so there wouldn’t be any risk of me getting pregnant. So as long as you’re clean, I don’t see why this is a problem.”

I just died. This has to be what heaven is like. Dirty little angels floating around, tempting you with barrier free sex. Is there any man on the planet that could actually say no to this? I inhale deeply, trying to calm my painful erection that is all for driving into her wet heat without being wrapped up. “I’m clean.” And I apparently don’t need that much convincing. “I’ve never done it without a condom. Nolan resulted from one that had a tear in it.” I step closer to her and she scoots back on the bed, reaching out for me with an eager hand.

“So I’ll be your first this way? I love that.”

I move toward the bed, getting up on my knees as she relaxes back onto a pillow. “Are you sure though? Baby, I could just eat your p-ssy for a good hour, maybe several and be f*cking perfect with that. There’s no need to rush this.”

“But there is.” She grabs my hand and I give her the other one so that both our hands are linked together. I’m kneeling between her legs, staring down into those chocolate brown eyes that hold me by the balls and could make me do practically anything right now. “We don’t have forever, Ben. I’m only here for the summer. I have two months left to be with you and I don’t want to waste another second not being with you the way I want to be. I love that you gave me time to get to know who you are now and I wouldn’t take that back. But I don’t need any more time. I just need you.” She spreads her legs, dropping them on either side of mine. “You’re the only man that’s ever had me. Take what’s yours.”

This is heaven. It has to be. And we’ll talk about this whole forever thing later. There is no way in hell I’m ending this with her at the end of the summer. I don’t care how much distance there’ll be between us. “I don’t know what the hell I did to ever deserve you, but you’ll never take another breath without knowing how special you are to me.” I bend down and bring my mouth to hers, needing to feel her breath in me. Needing to swallow her sounds. She opens up and my tongue slides across hers, stroking deep into her mouth as she grips my neck with one hand and my shoulder with the other. I break the contact because I need more of her. I’ve gone almost four weeks without her taste and I want it running through me. I need it coursing through my system. I settle between her legs and she opens up with a soft sigh. “You want it, don’t you? You want my tongue to make you beg before my cock does.”

Her hand grabs my head and she pushes me down as her response. I grin against her * before flicking it with my tongue. She arches her hips up to meet every stroke. F*ck, the way she tastes. Some pussies just taste better than others and Mia’s p-ssy is sinful. Addicting. She pulses against my tongue as I run up her length, lingering on her * before pulling it into my mouth.

“Oh God, Ben.”

I suck hard then harder, needing her orgasm more than I need to breathe. Getting her off gets me off, and Mia is so responsive that it’s hard not to come along with her when she does it so perfectly. My eyes run up her body, over her tits that will be getting my attention very soon and our eyes lock. I knew she’d be watching me. Her hand tightens in my hair as I move in quick circles. She whispers my name, moaning and barely making any sense as her orgasm builds rapidly. She begs me over and over not to stop. That she’s right there. That she’s so close. She pins me between her legs, unraveling against me as I grip her thighs and consume all of her. And then she finally relaxes her body, her legs dropping to the sides in complete exhaustion as my angel comes back to earth.

“So, so good. I love your mouth. I mean, really. I love your cock too, but your mouth?” She sighs heavily as I crawl up her body, kissing every inch of her. “It really should come with some sort of warning label.”

“Mmm and what would it say? Multiple orgasms await you if you put this between your legs?” I suck her left nipple into my mouth, pulling another low groan out of her. Releasing it with a smirk, I drop my head between her tits and inhale her scent. That berries and cream scent that completely wrecks me. “I love how you smell. Especially right here.” I inhale again and growl against her, feeling her squirm underneath me. I glance up at her with a warning. “Don’t you dare try to hurry me along. Next to that gorgeous view between your legs, this is where I’d want to die. Right here.” I plant a kiss to her cleavage before moving up her body.

“I need you to f*ck me now.” She sounds urgent, needy even. As if she didn’t just come all over my tongue. “Do you think you could do that?”

I slide straight into her p-ssy as my answer. “Holy f*ck, Mia.” She’s soaked, her need for me just as strong as my need for her. I groan as she arches her back and presses her tits against my chest. Nothing has ever felt like this and I know without a doubt that there is no other woman I want to experience this with besides Mia. And I also know I’m done using condoms with her. I won’t take her any other way besides this f*cking perfection. I’m all the way in her but I can’t move. Not yet. I am too f*cking close to losing it and I want this to last. She wiggles beneath me, urging me on with her hands gripping my ass. “Give me a second, baby. You have no idea how good you feel right now and I don’t want to come in you just yet.” I drop my forehead to hers and steady my breathing.

J. Daniels's books