Where I Belong

I ignore the stare he is giving me and refuse to let go of my annoyance. This is maddening. “And my tits make you uncomfortable. But I guess they should, considering how friendly you and I have become.” I grab Nolan’s books and shove them into his duffle bag.

“What is that supposed to mean?” he asks, but I ignore him. I’m too focused on getting his shit together so he can leave.

“Here. He was great. Didn’t give me a bit of trouble.” I thrust the duffle bag into his chest, stalking past him and grabbing my phone. “My tits and I are going to bed before we freak you out even more.” I don’t turn back around as I walk toward my bedroom. I don’t want to see if my words affect him, especially since my body apparently doesn’t anymore. What the f*ck? My boobs that he couldn’t get enough of weeks ago are now being held hostage in his stupid friend zone against their will. And they are not happy about it one bit.

Join the club.

I rip my hoodie off and throw it in the corner of my room with a grunt. I’m annoyed, hurt, and really horny. Three emotions that are pissing me off at the moment. I grab my phone to respond to Tessa’s last text message.

Me: Your brother infuriates me! I’m turned on, pissed off, and sick of this stupid friend zone. I can’t be friends with someone that brings me to orgasm in my dreams every night. And I’m tired of getting off on the memory of Ben. Oh, and your get naked idea wouldn’t have worked. My tits were just on display for him and he acted offended by them.

I press send and throw my phone down, reaching up and undoing the hair tie that is securing my hair in a loose bun. Just as my hair falls down my back, my bedroom door swings open and Ben stands in the doorway with that blazing look of his that leaves scorch marks on my skin. But right now, it doesn’t have that effect on me. Right now, it makes me want to punch him right in the throat.

“I’m really not in the mood to talk right now.”

He steps into the room and closes the door behind him. “Did you mean what you just sent me?”

I furrow my brow into a tight line. “What are you talking about? What do you mean what I just sent you?” I stand up off the bed and glare at him. I’m still mad, pissed even, but now I’m confused as hell. And then I see it, the cell phone he’s gripping and a panic surges through my system. My legs feel weak underneath me and my chest feels so tight it’s as if I’m breathing through a straw. I grab my phone and scroll to the text that I thought I sent to Tessa. But I didn’t send it to Tessa. I lift my eyes and watch as Ben reaches behind him and locks the door, never taking his bright eyes off me. I toss my phone back onto the bed and take a deep breath before responding. “Yes. I meant it.” My answer is firm and definite. This is not the time to half ass anything. He’s giving me an opportunity and I’m taking it.

He smiles that cocky grin that drives me insane. “Do you want me, baby?”

I nod.

“No, I need to hear you say it. I’ll give you whatever you want, Mia. But I won’t risk misinterpreting what I’ve just read. Tell me exactly what you want.” He stops right in front of me, keeping his body inches from mine. He’s so close to me right now it’s almost unbearable. I know exactly what I want. Him. And I’m not above being forward with him right now. I understand his hesitation. He doesn’t want to take this somewhere and not be positive that I want to go with him. But he doesn’t know I’d follow him anywhere. Anywhere.

I blink heavily before eliminating all space between us, pressing my body against his. He doesn’t tense at all, but he doesn’t wrap his arms around me either. “I don’t want to be just friends. I don’t think I ever did.” I press my hand to his chest, flattening against his heartbeat and feeling his reaction to me. “I want you, Ben. All of you. Your hands, your mouth, your…” I look down, pausing for the courage I need.

“Say it,” he growls. God, I love the authority in his voice.

I don’t hesitate at his command. Looking into his eyes, I say exactly what I want with the certainty he needs. “Cock. I’ve thought of you touching me constantly since we were together that first night. It’s all I’ve thought about.”

His hands come up and he cups my face. “I won’t be able to hold back.”

“I don’t want you to.”

“It’s going to be really f*cking intense. I don’t think I can be gentle with you right now. It’s been too damn long since I’ve had my hands on you and I’m about to start ripping shit apart.”

A small laugh rumbles in my throat. He is just as frustrated as I am. Thank you, Jesus. I tease the buttons of his uniform, feeling his muscles clench underneath my fingers. “I don’t want gentle right now. I want you to take me.”

He nods firmly, understanding exactly what I need. He keeps one hand on my face but brings the other around my neck, gripping it with that possessive hunger of his that riles me up like nothing else. “I was trying to be good, baby. I wanted you to see that I’m not that same guy you once knew. I’ll never be that guy. I’ll never hurt you, Mia, and I’ll f*cking kill anyone that does. But this is it. Once I have you again, I’m not letting you go. So you better be damn sure this is what you want because there’s no going back after this.”

I snake my hands around his neck, brushing over his hammering pulse. “Good.” I tilt my head up and press my lips softly against his. “F*ck me, Ben. Show me that I’m yours.” My words blow against his mouth and they’re the only coaxing he needs.

My heart is his and right now, I want him to claim my body.

Chapter Thirteen


“F*ck me, Ben. Show me that I’m yours.”

When those words escaped her perfect mouth, I felt my entire body surge with power. My adrenaline spiked and the commanding need I had for Mia that I’d dulled out with friendship came screaming back to life inside me. There was never any doubt in my mind who she belonged to. And after tonight, there would never be any doubt in hers either.

“If I’m too rough with you, you need to tell me,” I say against her lips, backing her body up to the bed. I’m so geared up right now, so tightly wound that I know the only way I’ll be able to hold back is if she can’t handle it. I’m feeling speedy, like a racehorse who’s been let out of the gate and I need her to be honest with me. I’ve never felt out of control before but Mia has the ability to make me lose my shit completely. “Baby, promise me you’ll tell me if I hurt you.” I push her down onto the bed, grabbing her legs and spreading them wide as I settle in between them.

She stares up at me with nothing but trust in her eyes. I’m certain with the look she’s giving me that I can do anything to her right now and she won’t waver. She pulls her top over her head before saying, “I will but I won’t have to. I want this just as bad as you do. Please don’t hold back, Ben. I’m not fragile.”

No, she isn’t. I have to remind myself that this isn’t the same Mia that used to be afraid of cliff diving at Rocky Point. I’ve met my match in this woman, both in and out of the bedroom.

She begins working at her shorts when I stop her, batting her hands away. “Those are mine to take off.” I pull them down with her panties, tossing them somewhere behind me. She’s naked, completely bare to me, and I almost forget how to f*cking breathe. I take a moment to stare at her, appreciating every dip and curve of her body. Her hands drum the sheet at her sides as she allows me to have my moment. I raise my gaze to her face and she wets her lips. “You’re the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen. And you have no idea, do you? You have no clue how stunning you are.” I make quick work of my shirt, unbuttoning it halfway and pulling it over my head to get on with it.

J. Daniels's books