Where I Belong

Her tongue darts out and she licks her bottom lip. “Why not? Can’t you get hard again right away? I was hoping this wasn’t a one and done deal.”

I laugh, brushing against her lips with mine. “Are you challenging me? Do you want to see how hard I can f*ck you and how hard I can get again just by looking at you? Just say the words and that’s what you’ll get.” She doesn’t say any words. Instead, she clenches down on me and squeezes me tighter than a vise grip. I rear up, grabbing her legs and pinning them against the mattress as I drive my hips into her. “Is this what you want? F*ck, baby. Is this how you want me to take you?” I can barely get my words out before I feel my orgasm building at an impressive rate. I’m f*cking her like I haven’t had her in years, because that’s how I feel. I’m a man deprived and I won’t stop until she can’t imagine not having me between her legs. The room becomes filled with our moans and the loud slapping sound of our bodies crashing together.

“Yes! Oh God, Ben. Please.” She closes her eyes and arches off the bed, thrusting her chest into the air.

“Mia, I’m coming in you, baby. I’m coming in this sweet p-ssy.”

I give her everything and she takes it, coming on my cock as soon as I tell her I’m filling her. Her skin flushes pink then red, bursting across her chest and up to her neck. She reaches for me and claws down my chest, giving me the pain that she knows I need. She’s perfect when she comes, a beautiful angel underneath me. I pull out and she sits up on her elbows, staring between my legs at the erection that is fully hard just for her.

“You came, didn’t you?” she asks, her eyes full of shock. She doubts my desire for her, which she’ll never do again. I dip my finger into her and draw it to her mouth, coaxing her to taste what I gave her. She hits me with that seductive stare she mastered that night in the bar and sucks on my finger, releasing it with a pop. My cock lengthens even more at the sight of her. My girl likes it. “Mmm. I guess that answers that question. Wanna go again?”

I grab her, switching places so that I am now lying on the bed and she is kneeling next to me. “Ride me, baby. I want you to drive this time. Show me how much you want this cock that’s rock hard just for you.”

She straddles me without hesitation, gripping me in her hand and guiding me into her slick p-ssy. “Oh God.” Her head falls back until I get fully inside her. Then she hits me with those big brown eyes again. “I forgot how deep you are this way. It feels like you’re hitting my ribs.” She moves slowly, rocking her hips in a gentle rhythm. As if I’m the fragile one. I practically f*cked her through the floor and now she’s looking at me as if I’m breakable. I’m not and she needs to know that.

I grab her neck firmly and pull her down, crashing her mouth against mine. “Do I look delicate to you? Or do I look like a man that’s been starving for this p-ssy.” I scrap my teeth along her bottom lip and she whimpers. “F*cking ride me, Mia.” Her eyes widen and she nods once, purposely. And then she reaches behind her and digs her nails into my thighs, rearing up and f*cking me with wild abandon. “Yeah, just like that. So good. So f*cking tight, baby.” I grunt my praise to her as my eyes wander between her mouth and her tits. I lean in and suck on them, making her scream out and ride me harder. She alternates between rocking her hips, first fast then faster, while crashing down on me. White spots blur my vision as she takes me to the edge.

“I need it, Ben. Oh God, I’m so close.” She scratches down my arms and I groan loudly, loving the pain that mingles with the pleasure. Christ, this woman knows exactly what I need and when to give it to me.

“Are you gonna come on my cock, baby?” I grab her hips and begin directing the tempo, needing that last bit of control. I can never give it up completely and even though Mia owns me, I need to dominate how we come together.

“Yes,” she answers with a soft plea.

“Come now, angel. I’m right there with you.” I grip her tightly and begin thrusting into her with everything I have. Giving her every part of me. Feel it. This is how I love you. We come together, loud and wild and she collapses on top of me. I wrap my arms around her waist and hold her close, feeling her heart hammering against my chest. Her skin is damp, glistening with sweat. We stay like this for several minutes, our breathing mirroring each other’s and coming down to a steadier pace. Being inside Mia, her body completely connected to mine, is all I’ll ever need.

“Here, let me get something to clean you up with.” I slide her next to me and slip on my boxers before I disappear down the hallway. I peak in on Nolan who is still passed out before grabbing a hand towel from the bathroom and climbing back into bed.

“We didn’t wake him, did we?” she asks as I wipe between her legs. The sight of my cum leaking out of her makes me want to beat on my chest like a damn caveman. Mine. I catch a yawn that she tries to muffle as she climbs under the covers.

I toss the towel into the hamper after wiping myself off. “No, he’s out cold.” She curls up against my chest as I lie back on my pillow. I stroke her arm, feeling the goose bumps form against my touch like they always do. She hums softly against my skin. “Nolan’s a pretty deep sleeper. He fell asleep last year at the Fourth of July fireworks display over Canyon Creek. And that shit was loud. Maybe almost as loud as you.” My girl is a screamer. I love that. I want everyone in the entire state to know what I’m doing to her. My chest expands in pride at the thought. “I think he gets that from me though. I can pretty much sleep through anything.” Her silence has me straining my neck down to catch her closed eyes. “Mia?”


I smile. “Did I render you speechless?”

“Hmm.” Her arm that’s wrapped around my waist tightens as the rest of her body stays completely limp. She’s falling asleep, but she can’t let go of me. It’s as if she’s afraid I’ll slip away from her the moment she passes out. Or that I won’t be there when she wakes up. She’s holding on to me with everything she has which is how I’ve always felt around her. Even when I was only holding on to the memory of us together.

I press my lips to her forehead, pulling the covers up over us both. “Sleep, angel. You have me. I’m never letting you go.” And with those words to her, she finally relaxes.

Chapter Fourteen


I don’t want to open my eyes.

I don’t want to wake up and have this not be real.

I want to stay asleep for days, months, years even. Because this dream is different. This isn’t just my typical nightly fantasy that stars Benjamin Kelly bringing me to orgasm over and over. Not that those aren’t amazing. But this dream is better. Because he stayed. He is holding me like he did the first night we were together. It feels so right. So real. And I’m terrified of opening my eyes and discovering that I’m alone. That we’re still only friends. I can feel his skin against my cheek. I can smell his scent, the strong masculine pheromones that are purely Ben. Is my mind completely f*cking with me right now? I shouldn’t be able to feel or smell anything. Right? My curiosity is peaked and I have to risk the disappointment I am sure to feel when I open my eyes.

I peak one, then both open, and I almost cry at the sight of him. I don’t know if I’ve ever been this happy before. Forget sleeping forever. I never want to pry my eyes away from the man that is asleep right next to me.

J. Daniels's books