Shine Not Burn

“No underwear,” I said, still staring at his midsection. I couldn’t think of anything else to say, save, My god, you have a huge cock … but that didn’t seem like the smoothest of moves, so I stuck with the basics.

“Too restricting,” he said, coming towards me, his girth and hardness on display right at eye-level from my position on the bed.

I moved closer to the edge, dropping my legs over the side, fascinated by the size and shape of him. I became wet just imagining his length moving into me. The vision of it sent shock waves of desire though my body. I used to think foreplay was a really big deal, but I would have skipped all of it tonight and gone right to the heart of the matter without a backward glance. But then I saw his cock again and I just had to touch it. I reached out to take it in my hand, looking up at him to gauge his response.

His eyes were smoldering and his expression so serious, it would have been frightening if I wasn’t so turned on and convinced of his attraction to me. I felt powerful and in control. “What do you want?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

“Whatever you want to give.” He voice was gravelly, thick with desire.

His jaw muscles clenched when I moved my hand experimentally, first stroking down towards the base and then up again to the tip with the lightest of touches. I didn’t yet know if he was one of those men who like the light touch or preferred a firmer grip, but I was sure going to find out. A small flick of my tongue on the tip had him jerking slightly in response with an inward hiss of breath.

“Jesus,” was all he managed to say before he closed his eyes.

I turned small circles of my tongue on his head to wet it down and then took him in my mouth as he rested his fingertips on my shoulders. I felt his fingers digging in a little as I did the one thing I knew I was really good at in the bedroom. I guess there’s a benefit to dating a bunch of selfish losers … it sure teaches a girl how to give a good blowjob.

His hips began to move in time with my rhythm, and his breaths came faster. I had my hand between his legs, fondling his balls. The way they were jerking up and then relaxing with every stroke of my lips, I knew if I kept it up for too much longer he’d be a mess, beyond rational thought and putty in my hands. The thought had no sooner crossed my mind then he pushed me back and pulled himself out of my mouth. My lips curved into a smile at the animal lust I saw in his expression.

“I need to taste you,” he said in a half-growling voice. He pushed me back on the bed and dropped to his knees between my legs. They were hanging awkwardly off the edge and I wanted to move back, but I didn’t have time. I started to say something but stopped when his mouth was suddenly on me, without preamble and with almost no warning. One second I was recovering from a tired jaw and the next I had this man’s beautiful face buried between my legs, working some kind of crazy magic on me.

“Oh my god,” I said, sounding almost like I was crying. The sensations that rocketed up from between my legs to my heart and brain and every other part of me were like nothing I’d ever felt before. A long, low moan escaped my throat and I arched my lower back, pushing myself into him, silently begging for more.

His tongue slipped inside me and did something that made me twitch with pre-orgasm excitement. A finger came up to replace his tongue while his mouth went up to my most sensitive of places and very gently, very softly made slow circles and up and down motions. I lifted my legs and shamelessly put them over his shoulders, using the leverage to get myself closer to his amazing mouth.

He took to the invitation eagerly, moaning himself as his movements came faster and harder. Normally I would have passed on this kind of approach, but I was completely and utterly gone. I’d fallen into a sexual vortex that had taken over every ounce of shame or fear that might have tried to rear its ugly head. I wanted to spread my legs as wide as they could go and feel every single bit of what he was doing to me. Andy the slut was in the house.

He moaned, a deep rumble against my most sensitive parts, sending delicate vibrations shooting up into the core of me and making me gasp with surprise and pure wanton joy. I could feel the wave coming … the one that would take me to a higher place, the end of our wild ride. I desperately wanted the satisfaction, but then again I didn’t want it … not yet. I wanted the pleasure to last all night.

“You’re close,” he said, his tongue not stopping but his hand drawing away. He rested both palms on my stomach. They were warm and spanned my body’s width. He stroked my skin and reached up to take both breasts in his hands, pinching the heavy nipples and making me cry out again. I strained against every part of him, needing more of all of it. I was greedy and totally shameless.

“Yes,” I cried, breathing heavily and moaning. I couldn’t help it. Everything was spinning out of control.