Shine Not Burn

“Shoot, we missed my floor,” I whispered against his mouth.

His hands slid down to my backside and squeezed, send a thrill into my hottest of places, making me wet with anticipation. I pushed my hips towards his, wanting to growl with satisfaction over the hard length I found there. He moved against me while massaging my ass, making me want to scream with unfulfilled desire. If the elevator bell hadn’t gone off at just that moment, I might have just yanked up my skirt and jumped on his offering. But it did go off, and then the doors opened, so I quickly pulled away and pushed down the bottom of my dress. Trying to look like I hadn’t just almost screwed a cowboy in the elevator of my hotel was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. I’m pretty sure I wasn’t doing a good job of pulling it off.

“Going up?” asked an older couple, looking a little confused about seeing us standing there and not getting off.

“Uh, yeah,” said Mack, having to clear his throat before he continued. “We’re going up. All the way up.”

I hiccuped loudly and threw my hand over my mouth, my eyes bugging out. Not sexy! Not sexy!

The woman put her hand on her husband’s arm, stopping him from stepping onto the elevator with us. She glanced down at the chips all around our feet and then looked up. “I think we’ll just take the next one. You kids go on ahead.” She winked at us and shushed her husband when he started to complain.

The doors closed and Mack came after me without a second’s delay. I welcomed him with open arms and open legs. As open as they could be, anyway, in the damn tight dress I’d been forced to wear. It was like a straightjacket when all I wanted to do was jump up and wrap my legs around him.

“What are we doing?” I said against his mouth. It was a stupid question, we both knew it. My mind was spinning and my hormones were raging. I needed him inside me, and I needed him there now. I’d never been so turned-on in my entire life. If Candice and Kelly were in our room, I’d just have to find a supply closet somewhere.

“Feels like we’re about to have some fun,” he said, not a trace of amusement in his voice. “I’m willing if you’re willing.” The elevator jerked slightly as it began traveling up again.

I pulled back, staring him in the eye, blinking to make the fuzziness go away. “I’m definitely willing. Definitely, totally willing.”

We kissed again, and when he moved his hands down my back this time, he didn’t stop at my rear end. He kept on going until he reached my thigh while simultaneously pushing me back against the wall of the elevator. Once he lifted my leg, my hot center was angled up to fully appreciate the hardness that he once again pushed against me. I wrapped my ankle around the back of his hips, moaning as I moved up and down, rubbing against him in a rhythm that I had no control over. Our mouths moved in perfect unison while my hips swiveled, bringing him closer with each thrust. My skirt was up around my waist, and my red lace underwear were soaked through when the elevator bell dinged again.

He dropped my leg and slid his hands down the sides of my hips and thighs, putting my skirt back to where it should have been when in public. He gathered up the chips and the shoes and stepped out into the hallway, pulling me with him. I tripped, getting tangled up in my own feet, but he caught me using his body and one arm. His hand holding the shoes dropped casually to my waist once I was upright again. “Which way?” he asked, squinting at the signs on the wall.

“Room two-zero-one-four,” I said, sounding like a complete drunkard. I did some quick mouth exercises, trying to limber my jaw up so I could talk like the educated woman I am.

He caught me doing it and chuckled. “Could you hold these for me?” After he deposited all the chips and the shoes into my hands, I took a step down the hall, headed to my room.

“Whoop!” The sound came flying out of my mouth when he surprised the crap out of me and swooped me up into his arms, carrying me in a cradle made of his strong arms. Long strides brought us down the hall towards the last room on the right while the money rattled away in the plastic cup. I was literally being swept off my feet, and if it hadn’t been for the spinning of the hallway, walls, floors, and ceiling, it would have been the highlight of my night.

Please let Candice and Kelly be on their way out!

He put me down on my feet at the door and leaned on it with one hand, pulling me up against him with the other. I was breathless with the kissing that ensued, barely able to hold my thoughts together. Down the chips and shoes went again, scattered all over the floor and on my feet. I only opened my eyes a few times during the kissing to keep the spinning room under control.

“Wait, wait,” I said, as a door down the hall opened and voices came floating down the corridor. I knocked on my door, desperation showing through in the rapid-fire tap, tap, tapping I was doing. I was incapable of playing it cool right now. Cool? Say hello to Fool.