Shine Not Burn

“What?” I said, wanting to cross my arms over my body.

“No, wait … don’t cover yourself. Please. Let me just admire you for a little while longer.”

My face went red again. All I could think about were my too-small breasts with two rubbery booby-hikers hidden under them, my wide hips, and my big butt. “What are you talking about?” I felt like I was stuck halfway between feeling awkward and feeling sexy. I could have fallen over to either side with a single word from him.

He shook his head. “I thought bodies like this were only alive in my fantasies. I didn’t realize they existed in reality.” He ran his hand down my ribs and hip. “Curves everywhere.” He looked into my eyes. “The body of a real, honest-to-God woman.”

I pushed on his chest, laughter bubbling up from my throat as the fear disintegrated and then disappeared completely. He likes curves! “Get out of here, you lunatic.”

He grabbed my hands and pulled me up against him. “Heck no, I’m not going anywhere. You lured me up here to your lair and now I’m going to let you take advantage of me.”

My mouth dropped open in mock offense. “I lured you up here? Are you kidding me?” I tried to wrestle away, but he held on tight, walking us over to the bed.

“Don’t play with my heart, Andie. Tell me you didn’t bring me up here just to strip down to your gorgeous bits and then kick me out. I don’t think my ego could take it. And neither could my … other parts of me.”

I lifted my chin to sass him back, but he took advantage of his height and came down to my lips, silencing me with his mouth.

The idea that he found my body so sexy lit some kind of fire inside me. Whatever misgivings I might have had about bringing a man to my room who’d I’d never see again after tonight? Yeah … they went flying out the window and into the hot Las Vegas night. Any second thoughts that might have been brewing about my own attractiveness? Yup .. they joined those misgivings, leaving in their place a very horny, very excited me. Andie the party girl was definitely back. I shimmied out of my underthings as he kissed me and then stepped away from him when I was totally naked.

“Wow.” He stared at me, his eyes taking in every detail of my body. “Talk about getting lucky. The blackjack table was nothing compared to this.”

My heart soared with his compliments and a sudden surge of energy burst through me. “Woo hoo!” I yelled, pushing him down onto the bed and jumping on top of him. My leap was a little too enthusiastic though, because I misjudged my landing and fell to the side. I tried to catch myself on the edge of the bed but the stupid satin cover gave me nothing to grab onto. I tipped off the bed and fell onto the floor with a loud thud. I stayed there for a few seconds, waiting for the room to stop spinning.

“Holy shit,” he said, trying to cover up his laughter as he leaned over the edge of the bed to look at me. “Are you okay?”

I jumped to my feet and smiled, determined to keep having fun regardless of the fact that I was a complete idiot. I held my arms above my head and stretched them to the ceiling. “How’s that for a dismount?” I said, giving him a superstar smile.

He grabbed me around the waist and yanked me down onto the bed, jumping on top of me. “Gold medal worthy.” His jeans pressed into my nakedness, ratcheting the erotic sensations up another couple notches. I had feared my goofiness would destroy the mood, but all it did was make me realize that we had the same sense of humor.

I pushed him over and scrambled to get on top of him. “I’m on top,” I declared.

“Whoa, girl,” he said, laughing while fighting to sit up. He grabbed me around the waist and flipped me over onto my back in one smooth motion. He was on top now and looming over me.

“Take off those pants,” I ordered. “And stand there in the middle of the room so I can check you out. It’s my turn to gawk.” If I’d had a whip right then, I would have cracked it. Something about being with Mack tonight had gotten me totally fired up. If there’d been a bull in the room, I would have held up a red cape and waved it at him.

He backed up as he got off the bed, never taking his eyes off me. “Yes, ma’am.”

Unlike Candice, I didn’t mind being ma’am-ed. He could ma’am me all night if he wanted to.

Standing in the middle of the room near the bottom of the bed, he unbuttoned his jeans, slowly and carefully revealing an almost painful-looking erection. It was like Christmas morning and my birthday all rolled into one, the way his gift was revealed to me for my pleasure only.

My eyes widened at the sight of it. Sweet Jesus, he’s hung. That’s some kind of magic, the way he somehow fits that thing into those pants.

He pulled the jeans off the rest of the way from the bottom, dropping them on the floor next to him.